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Well Fontaine had to go back at some point.

Fontaine was not looking forward to this. She had just gotten into the moon pool room where her family was waiting, they did not look happy.

"Am I in trouble?"

"Take a guess."


"Take another guess."

Fontaine sighed and climbing out of the rover.

"Fontaine do you have any idea how much danger you were in!?"

"What are you talking about?"


Fontaine started laughing..

"Alpheus dangerous? Have you met him?"

Ant was glaring at her.

"He kidnapped you."

"I asked him to, plus he has video games pizza and kittens, it's heaven plus no annoying little brothers to come ruin my day."


"Yep, that was real Alpheus also dyed your hair pink."

"I'm going to kill him."

William who had remained silent finally spoke up.

"Fontaine I am so disappointed in you."

That really upset Fontaine.

"For what? Giving Alpheus a second chance, you know he practically adopted Finn and Madiline, they've lived with him for the last month!"

That was a shock to Kaiko.

"A month? And hammerhead didn't notice?"

"Nope, and even if he had neither of them want to go back."

"So they're still on Alpheus sub?"

"Yea, their helping Alpheus build a kitten room."

"Wait you weren't joking about the kittens."

"Nope, he left to get pizza and came back with 7 kittens."


"Yes, seven."

"Can I see them?"

"No Ant, gremlin squad only."

"Gremlin squad?"

"Me, Maddy, Finn and Alpheus, no annoying little brothers aloud."

Ant huffed.

"Your grounded."

"Ok fine."

Fontaine made her way to her room, and as soon as she got there she called Alpheus.

"Hey Alpheus."

"Are you grounded."


"Do you need me to come get you?"


"Ok be in the moon pool in an hour."

"See you then."

Right then there was a knock on her door.

"Fontaine, give me your phone I don't want you calling Alpheus."

'To late mum.'

"Mum, look I know you don't like Alpheus, but he's actually really nice, a little awkward at times but really nice."

"He tried to kill us."

"He well he hasn't tried anything since we became friends, he only showed up yesterday so Ant would run into the cling film."

"So he's just been helping you prank Ant?"

"Well not just Ant, anyone really."

"Like Devil Daniels?"

"Yea he was messing with Lumurian ruins, Alpheus wasn't happy about that."

"... your ungrounded."


"On one condition, you invited Alpheus, Finn and Madline to dinner."


"Because you said he's nice, and if that's the case then maybe we should get to know him better."

"Fine I'll invite them over. But your not aloud to adopt them."

"That's not going to happen."

"We'll see."

Idk why but I got this image in my head of Kaiko yelling at Fontaine.

"First you bring Finn on board then you bring Madline on board who's next Alpheus?"

And then Alpheus just pops up from a panel in the floor.

"Hello we have been trying to reach you about your submarines extended warranty."

The Deep Oneshots Part 1Where stories live. Discover now