Ghost au

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It's time for some ghosts!!
Triggered warning for child abuse and character death.

Alpheus was walking down the hallway of the mansion. After his dad died his mum got a huge pay out on his life insurance and they'd moved here. Alpheus liked it here it was quite and the garden was huge, there were plenty of places to hide from his mum.

As the weeks went on Alpheus started to notice some things, sometimes when his mum got really drunk and threw stuff at him he'd find plasters and bandages sitting innocently on his bed, like they'd always been there. Sometimes when his mum got really angry and he had to find somewhere to hide a hidden passageway or panel would open he'd hide there until the yelling would stop.

One night, when Alpheus was asleep his mum came home drunk and angry, he didn't hear the door open, he didn't hear her walking up the stairs, he didn't hear her walking down the hall... but someone did.

"Hey wake up!"

Alpheus shot up in bed and looked around his room frantically, but he didn't see anyone, that's when he heard his mum and that's when he ran, he knew there was a hiding spot just a few meters from his room he hoped he'd make it there in time. He was lucky the panel was already open he knew he wouldn't have had time to open it he closed the panel over just as his mum rounded the corner. She teared his room apart looking for him, Alpheus could hear her yelling for him and he was shaking.

He stayed hidden for the night and part of the morning, he only came out when he was sure his mum had left for work. He walked down to his room, everything he owned was on the and his desk had been flipped. He made his way downstairs to get some food before he cleaned up, but when he finished and walk into his room it was clean.

After that incident he always felt like he was being watched right before he fell asleep. Sometimes when he turned off the lights he'd see a shadowy figure in the corner or at the end of his bed. At first it scared him but he got used to it they never tried to hurt him so he didn't have a reason to fear them.

By the time Alpheus turned thirteen he'd gotten so used to the shadow he'd see them everywhere well everywhere but the garden. Alpheus had managed to avoid his mother for the last month, the only time he'd ever see her is when she was passed out on the sofa, but today she called him downstairs. Alpheus was cautious, he didn't see the shadow anywhere so he thought it was safe to head down. His mother introduced him to his new boyfriend and Alpheus got a gut feeling not to trust him, so he didn't he avoided him just like he avoided his mother. He didn't last long but after that his mother had a never ending revolving door of new boyfriends.

On Alpheus' eighteenth birthday it happened. He walked down the staircase in the late evening looking to find something to eat, when his mother's newest boyfriend confronted him, they guy was clearly drunk so Alpheus paid him no mind, he was just about to leave when he heard a gun shot and everything went black. When he woke up he was face to face with two other people, they hugged him for a few seconds before stopping.

"Umm hi who are you?"

"Hi I'm Finn and this is Maddy."

Poor Alpheus he really needed that hug.

Kaiko wants to know if you can adopt someone who's already dead.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's.

Hope you enjoyed.

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