Alpheus just stays on the Aronnax

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A continuation of the Alpheus just stays on the Aronnax au enjoy

Alpheus had been on the Aronnax for over a week now and the Nektons were still making up executes to keep him on board longer. Alpheus was well aware but said nothing. He didn't know why the Nektons were trying to keep him here but he didn't mind it as much as he thought he would.

As the weeks went on the Nektons were struggling to come up with a new executes, they didn't want Alpheus to leave just yet. When Professor fiction heard that they still had him onboard he sighed and asked of he should start making a wet suit for him. Kaiko asked him if hr could help them, because they didn't want him to leave yet. Professor Fiction did end up covering for them, he told Alpheus that there were some minor problems with the Aronnax and it would have to come in for repairs.

The repairs gave them an extra week to come up with another excuse, but they still had nothing. They were starting to panic a little, Kaiko still didn't feel comfortable enough to let him leave. So when Alpheus came into the kitchen shaking and sneezing, they immediately jumped on the opportunity. Ant and Fontaine managed to convince Alpheus to go back to bed pretty quickly, while they were keeping Alpheus in his room Kaiko made him some hot chocolate and Will got him some books from the study.

The Nektons spent most of the day in Alpheus' room, they dragged in a TV so they could watch movies, and of course they ended up watching one of Ant's kaiju movies. Ant was really exited, kaijus were his favourite, Fontaine managed to keep her complaining quite until the end of the movie. Alpheus actually quite like the movie but kept it to himself he didn't want to be brought into Ant and Fontaine's argument, he learned his lesson the first time. Alpheus still wasn't feeling great the next day, so the Nektons let him stay in bed while they went and counted fish. Ant complained the whole time, at one point Alpheus called Ant on his comm just to annoy him. Kaiko smiled as the two argued, Alpheus really was starting to feel like part of the family.

One day while Kaiko was talking to Bob, they somehow ended up on the topic of most illegal things they'd ever done, she accidentally let it slip that they had technically kidnapped someone.

"You kidnapped someone!?"

"You call it kidnapping I call it surprised adoption."

"You 'surprised adopted' someone they didn't press charges?!"

"They're still here."

"... Kaiko are you telling you kidnapped someone a month ago AND THEY'RE STILL HERE?!"

".... Yea."

Bob ended up talking to Alpheus for a little bit, he still couldn't believe Kaiko actually kidnapped him. He later learn from Will that they were just making up executes to keep him on the Aronnax, Bob started helping them and so did jess.

Alpheus knows exactly what they're doing.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's

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