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MihaelaAndrei3 suggested this. Enjoy

It was a normal day on the Aronnax, Will was making breakfast when Kaiko walked in. Will smiled at her as she made her way over.

"I have some news."

"What is it Kaiko?"

"...I'm pregnant."


Kaiko nodded, William couldn't believe it, he reached forward and hugged Kaiko.


Will picked Kaiko up and swung her around. They spent the day planning out the nursery they were both so excited.

In the coming months Kaiko and Will had set up the nursery picked names, bought a bunch of clothes and toys. They'd gone to a lot of different parent classes but they still didn't feel ready. They had planned to head to a hospital for Kaiko to have her baby but those plans ended up falling through. Kaiko had her baby a few miles off the coast Australia.

The next few months were filled with joy and laughter, their little Fontaine was perfect. Will was washing dishes Fontaine was in her play pen so he could keep an eye on her. Once he was done he grabbed some bubble blowers, Fontaine laughed and try to catch them. Once Fontaine had tried herself out laughing Will picked her up and took her to her room. When Kaiko got back she found her husband curled up on the floor of the nursery, Fontaine had grabbed one of his fingers and refused to let go.

One day while Kaiko and Will were playing with Fontaine, she said her first words.

"Mama dada!"

Will and Kaiko looked to eachother then back to Fontaine.

"Did you just say mama and dada? Can you say it again?"

"Mama dada!"

"That's right I'm your dad." Will said picking her up.

"And I'm your mama."

Fontaine giggled.

When Fontaine learned how to walk she became a trouble maker she'd run into Williams study and grab a book off the table and then run as fast as she could. Will would always laugh and chase after her.

When Fontaine was two, her parents told her she was gonna be a big sister, she didn't really understand what they were talking about but she was excited non the less. When her parents came back from the hospital with her little brother she was confused, but happy now she had someone new to play with.

When she was nine and Ant was seven they went out exploring a reef together, while Ant was looking at some coral he scratched himself. They swam back and Fontaine rushed to find her mum. Once she was sure her brother would be alright she started teasing him for being an idiot.

It was Fontaine's thirteenth birthday and Ant was determined to get her something special. He was walking with his dad when he noticed an electric guitar in the shop window. When Fontaine opened it on her birthday she was so happy she actually hugged him, Ant was very surprised to say the least.

And that's where I'm gonna leave this hope you enjoyed

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's

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