Best Friends au

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DanielleHarris402 suggested this, what if every child just moved onto Alpheus' sub

Finn and Maddy had invited Jess over for the day, Jess of course insisted they go pick up Fontaine so they could all have a day out. Fontaine was just heading to her room when she got a call from Jess.

"Hey Jess what's up?"

"I'm on Alpheus sub, we're coming to get you!!"

"I don't get a say in this do I?"

"Of course not, see you soon."

Jess hung up and Fontaine rolled her eyes, she was about to head to the moon pool when she heard Ant.


In Fontaine's defence, she panicked.

When Fontaine got to Alpheus submarine, she had to drag her brother out from the back seat of the rover. She was only through the door when she came face to face with Finn.

"What's Ant doing here?"

"He heard me talking to Jess."


"I don't know what to do with him."

Fontaine looked at Finn silently pleading for his help.

"I have an idea." Finn said with a smile.

They ended up locking Ant in the kitten room to calm down, Jess and Maddy found them waiting outside, Maddy had a new batch of kittens in her arms.

"... what are you two doing?"

"In my defence I panicked."

Maddy qnd Jess looked at eachother confused. They went inside to see Ant lying on the floor covered in kittens.

"Ant? Are you ok?"

"I'm better than ok, these kittens are so soft and cuddly."

"They sure are... do you need help?"

"Nope I'm good."

"Ok then, put the new kitten's in the incubator Maddy."

Ant eyes lit up.

"There's more!"

"Yep, there's always more."

"Fontaine, I can see why you'd wanna stay here."

Fontaine smiled. Finn and Fontaine eventually helped Ant get the kittens off of him. They all decided to watch a movie, but first they had to raid the kitchen. They were almost done when Alpheus barged in.


Everyone stayed quiet for a few seconds, Alpheus then realised Ant was there.

"... No. Just no, I'm to tired for this."

Alpheus went to leave but Jess and Fontaine pulled him back.

"Sorry Alpheus, but it's movie night. You're not getting out of this."

"... fine."

Alpheus was then dragged out of the room by Maddy and Jess.

"Finn take the snacks to the living room, me and Ant will go get some blankets."

"Maybe some pillows to, Alpheus did look pretty tired."

Fontaine nodded then she and Ant made their way down the hall. They stopped outside a random door.

"What's in there?"

Fontaine opened the door and it revealed a room filled with blankets, pillows pyjama and some clothes.

"What's this?"

"We stay here a lot and usualy forget to bring pyjamas or clothes for the next day. We used to have to go all the way back home to get something but Alpheus got sick of it soo now we have this room."

Ant looks over and spots some kaiju pyjamas


Ant grabbed them off the shelf.

"Where's the bathroom I wanna put these on!!"

Ten minutes later Fontaine and Ant finally got to the living room. Fontaine had also decided to change into something more comfy so did everyone else, Maddy was wearing a pirate onesis Finn and Jess wear both wearing gray pyjamas, Alpheus was already asleep he was still in his wetsuit.

Fontain threw a blanket over Alpheus while Finn put on a movie. They all grabbed snack grabbed their blankets and sat down. Ant and Fontaine spent almost two on Alpheus' sub, they had a lot of fun but they eventually had to go home. Kaiko was not happy.

I'm starting to realise Alpheus is basically a reverse Kaiko. Kaiko keeps kidnapping kids and can never have enough kids, but kids keep showing up in Alpheus' sub and he desperately wants it to stop.

Also idk why but everything I think of the Kaiko adopts Alpheus aus I think of this

Also idk why but everything I think of the Kaiko adopts Alpheus aus I think of this

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