Ant Benthos au

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After careful consideration I have decided to continuie the book.


It was the middle of the night and Alpheus couldn't sleep. Ant had gotten sick and Alpheus was worried. He was sat on Ant's bedroom floor trying to get some sleep before Ant woke up. Unfortunately for Alpheus Ant woke up a few seconds later.

"Alpheus, are you still there?"

"I'm here Ant, go back to sleep."

He heard Ant move then the bedside lamp turned on.

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"Nightmare, can I sleep with you?"

"... on the floor?"


Alpheus sighed. He stood up and got into bed beside Ant. Ant immediately hugged him and refused to let go.

"You're not gonna send me back right?"

"Ant, we've been over this, I'm not sending you back if you don't want to go. Now go to sleep."


"Yes I promise, now go to sleep."

Alpheus turned out the light and waited for Ant to fall back asleep. Ant still had a temperature but it was starting to go down and Alpheus wasn't as worried anymore.

The next day Alpheus was woken up bit Ant jumping on the bed.


"You made breakfast?"


"It's six am."


Ant dragged Alpheus out of bed and to the kitchen. When he got there he saw a pan on fire. Ant screamed while Alpheus calmly grabbed a fire extinguisher. Once the fire was out he turned to his brother.

"I'll make breakfast."

"Good idea!"

Ant ran over and sat at the table.

"Glad to see you're feeling better."

"Much better now make the pancakes, please!"

"Fine fine."

Alpheus was almost done when Ant grabbed a handful of flour and threw it at him. He laughed at Alpheus until he was his in the face by flour.


It took a good thirty minutes for the pair to stop their flour fight. By the end they were both lying on the floor laughing.

"Ok, let's get those pancakes."


When they had finished their pancakes Ant dragged Alpheus into the living room so they could watch a movie. Ant of course put on kaiju diju. Alpheus had seen it so many times that he could recite the entire movie from memory. Ant always rooted for the humans to win and Alpheus always rooted for the Kaijus.





The humans won of course. Ant would always laugh at Alpheus for picking the wrong side but when Alpheus threatened to tickle him he'd shut up real fast.

I know this one's a little short but I couldn't write anything else.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's

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