Alpheus Nekton au

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I was thinking that Alpheus would probably get the whole not wanting to let his parents down thing and in s1 e7 when Finn says he's sorry Alpheus would believe him.

As soon as Alpheus layed eyes on the dark orca he knew he had to stay close to Ant and Fontaine, he'd never forgive himself if they got hurt.

His parents didn't seem happy to see hammerhead either.

The dark orca's moon pool opened and the chase began, Ant and Fontaine went back towards the Aronnax, Alpheus followed after them.

The dark orca followed his parents but the divers only seemed interested in them. They were trying to beat them to the Aronnax, when a diver shot a net at Fontaine, Alpheus move blocking the net and getting caught. Of course his siblings stopped to try to help him.


But it was too late, the divers shot 2 more nets one at Ant and one at Fontaine.

"I can't move, Fontaine lock down the Aronnax."

~~~~~Time skip~~~~~

Alpheus was struggling not to laugh as Ant teased the small pirate

"Ant stop antagonise the pirate."

"Honestly hammerhead have you ever heard of a tooth brush."

"You too Alpheus."

Hammerhead head growled.

"What are you a pirate or a puppy dog?"

"Another word out of you and I'll make you walk the plank."

"Please do, honestly hammerhead it be better than having to smell your breath."

"How can you walk the plank under water?" Ant chimed in.

Hammerhead head growled again before dragging Alpheus away.

"Aww did I hurt your feelings." Alpheus mocked watching hammerhead turn this red was hilarious.

Hammerhead then shoved Alpheus into a room and made two of his men watch him.

Less than ten minutes later Alpheus was crawling through the vent Where he met Ant.

"Hey Ant."

"Alpheus? Are you ok?" Ant sounded panicked.

"I'm fine, they just locked me up for a while, now sabotage?"


~~~~~ time skip ~~~~~

Alpheus ran down the hall, he found Fontaine in a storage closet, in one of the dark orcas wet suits

"Looks like we had the same idea." Alpheus said as he pushed her out so he could get changed.

Once done he grabbed his wet suit and made his was to the moon pool with Fontaine. They arrived in the moon pool room shortly before everyone else. When his brother came back, he told them that the cable was about to break, Finn ordered us into the water.

They grabbed the grappling hooks and made their way towards the Aronnax, Alpheus was surprised they hadn't noticed the extra divers yet.

"That cable could go at any moment, I can't see anywhere to hook these, there's nowhere on the outside of the Aronnax."

"What about on the inside of the Aronnax?"

Finn turned round to face them

"Fontaine? How did you? Wow you really do make a better pirate than me."

"Anyone would Finn."

"You to Alpheus?"

"Yep, we can attach these in the moon pool." Fontaine answer before making her way towards the Aronnax.

~~~~~ time skip~~~~~

"You, your children and your crew are leaving."


Ant hits a button on his tablet that opens the white Knight.

"What are you doing?"

"You'll need this."

Kaiko tosses hammerhead head a rebreather smiling. Will walks over to the console, turns the white Knight upside down and drops hammerhead.

"Bye bye."

Alpheus smiles slightly from his place by the door. Madiline left with her father.

"Look Fontaine I'm sorry."

"You can be sorry or you can be a pirate, you can be both, goodb-."

Alpheus cut her off.

"I believe him."

Everyone turned to look at Alpheus.

"What? Why? You hate me, you pushed me off a moving boat the first time we met" ( you know he would)

"I don't hate you and I know you're sorry, but that doesn't change that he's your dad you just want him to be proud of you, but is this really what you want Finn? To be a pirate for the rest of your life?"

"I-I don't know." Finn looked upset, Kaiko felt bad for Finn and put her arm around him.

"Well if you decide that's not what you want, we'll be right here waiting for you."


"Yes really."

Finn smiled and thanked her before leaving.

"Really Al?"

"Oh come on Fon, like I didn't see those heart eyes of yours."

Fontaine splutters in protest following her brother as he walks away, Ant was laughing and running to catch up. Kaiko turned to Will.

"We might want to make up the guest room, just incase Finn needs somewhere to stay."

"You mean, when we adopt him?"


I swear Kaiko collects kids like their pokemon cards, I swear she's going to adopt Finn in Canon and maybe hunt Alpheus down too she'll never have enough children.

I swear I'll explain the you pushed me off a moving boat thing later, but you all know he would not hesitate.

We all know Alpheus would not hesitate to insult the pirates he probably wouldn't listen to Will either, the boy just wants to anger pirates is that to much to ask.

I believe that Alphues would still have his jet thing but it would be something he put on when they were going out in the Knights or rover so he doesn't have to sit in the back seat, he's also probably have his emp things on his arms, he just wouldn't wear them.

I just have a this thought going through my head, they never told Ant and Fontaine that Alphues was adopted, they were both to young to remember and no one thought to mention it, so when the get the athemacron (idk how to spell it) Alpheus just accidently uses it. Nereus is so confused, until Alpheus mentions that he's adopted and his last name was Benthos, Fontaine refuses to believe it "seriously you're adopted and he's not" *gestures violently to Ant* and Ant is over excited.

Please leave your thoughts and suggestions in the comments, feel free to use any of my ideas.

Thanks for reading.

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