Alpheus the cat au

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Hope you guys enjoy!

Alpheus had been a cat for last the last two days and in that time he had completely trashed Ant's room and the white Knight. Ant was angry with him but he couldn't do anything about it because anytime he'd yell at Alpheus then he'd just run to Kaiko or Fontaine. The pair would always take Alpheus' side no matter what he'd done.

Ant had started locking his room whenever he wasn't in there or when he was asleep. It worked for a few days he finally had peace. Until he was woken up in the middle of the night to Alpheus meowing.


Alpheus immediately ran for the vents, Ant followed him. It wasn't long before Ant lost sight of Alpheus but he continued to search for him for a good hour or two. When he finally gave up and went back to his room. Alpheus was asleep on his bed. Ant picked Alpheus off the bed and sat him on the floor.

"This is MY bed, got it?"

Alpheus purred and jumped back onto Ant's bed.

"No, not your bed mine!"

Alpheus hissed and curled up on the bed.

"Fine, only for tonight!"

Not long after Ant feel asleep Alpheus walked over to the door and opened it. Fontaine walked in holding green hair dye.

"Thanks Alpheus you're the best."
After a few hours Ant's hair was bright green and Fontaine was struggling to contain her laughter.

"Come on Alpheus let's go."

Fontaine and Alpheus ran out of the room before he could wake up.

The next morning Ant woke up and noticed Alpheus was gone, he didn't think to much of it and went to brush his teeth. When he looked in the mirror he screamed.


Ant ran out of his room a into the kitchen. That's where he found Alpheus who was dragging the cookie jar into the vent.

"HEY NO!!"

Alpheus managed to get the jar out of reach just in time. Ant of course followed him through the vents. Alpheus was struggling to drag the jar it was almost twice as big as him. Luckily for him Fontaine's secret hid out wasn't far, he just had to lose Ant.

When he eventually lost Ant he circled back to the hid out and shoved the cookie jar inside. A few minutes later Fontaine came back with her laptop.

"Good you got the cookies! Now what movie do you want to watch?"

Fontaine set the laptop down in front of Alpheus and he immediately put on Mulan.

"No, we've watch this six time!"

Fontaine grabbed the laptop back from him and Alpheus hissed.

"How about Beauty and the Beast?"


"Ok then, Aladdin?"


"...oh this is perfect!"

Fontaine turned on the the lion King. Alpheus purred and sat down beside her.

"Everyone loves the loin King."


Fontaine and Alpheus both ignored him.

They were about half way through the  movie when it was inerupted by a call from Finn.

"Hi Finn, what's up?"

"Hey Fontaine, I was just calling to let you know that my dad is after another treasurer."

"Another one? Thats the third time this week!"

"Yea- is that a cat?"

Finn said pointing to Alpheus. Alpheus glanced up at him and then rolled his eyes.

"Did- did he just roll his eyes at me?"

"Yea well long story, you see my brother sort of turned his nemesis into a cat."

"... you are joking right?"

"I wish I was. Ant's been working on a way to turn him back but for now he's stuck like this."

".... you're family is insane."

"I know, so where is your dad heading?"

Alpheus is great at sneaking through vents.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's in your own works!

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