Nektons adopting Alpheus au

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@Lily05030 liked the idea so here you go enjoy!!

Alpheus was making some repairs to his sub, in order to do so he had to temporarily shut Aria down. He was outside making some repairs to the jet engines when Ant Nekton showed up in the shadow Knight.

"Hi Alpheus."

"What do you want Antaeus."

"How are you, we haven't seen you in a while."

Alpheus rolled his eyes, he'd been avoiding the Nektons for a while now. After the jellyfish incident they hadn't been the same they'd been nice to him and he didn't know what to think about it.

"Go away I'm busy."

"Can we help, I'm sure mum wouldn't mind helping you with your sub, I'll go get her."

Before Alpheus could say no, Ant zipped off.

"This day could not get any worse."

Five minutes later Kaiko showed up in the white Knight.

"Hey Alpheus, need a hand?"

"No, I'm fine thanks."

Kaiko paused for a moment.

"Have you eaten today."

"Why are you here?"

"I can't be worried about my son."

Alpheus turned and looked at her like she had two heads.

"Did you hit your head or something? Kaiko I'm not your so-."

Alpheus was cut off by Kaiko grabbing him.

"Hey! Let go of me!"

Kaiko smiled and practically dragged him back to the Aronnax.


"No, this is a concerned mother looking out for her son."



When they got to the Aronnax they went to the moon pool room, Will and Fontaine were waiting there.

"Hello son."

"I'm not your son."

"Come on, let's get you warmed up."

"I'm fine."

"Suuure." Fontaine said as she walked over to the claw. "You should just accept it, we're not going anywhere."

Alpheus let out a sigh as William and Kaiko both dragged him out of the moon pool.

"Come on let's get you warmed up after that we'll get you something to eat and then we can fix your sub."

"No, I'm leaving."

Fontaine smirked and closed the moon pool.

"You just love to watch me suffer."

Alpheus glared at the Nekton.

"If I eat can I leave?"

Kaiko nods. Alpheus agrees to get changed while Kaiko makes pancakes.

"Here's your room."

Alpheus really didn't know how to feel about any of this, they were treating him like he was family, he didn't think he deserved it. William smiled at him before walking away, reminding him to ask if he needed anything. Alpheus walked in, got changed then looked in the mirror. 'You have got to be kidding me.' The Nektons had given a hoodie with their family crest on it because of course they would, Alpheus pulled the hoodie off only to see the crest on the shirt. 'I swear who's idea was this.' Alpheus pulled the hoodie back on and made his way to the kitchen. When he gets there he's immediately greeted by some random guy, he was wearing one of the Nektons wetsuits but Alpheus didn't recognise him.


"Uum who are you?"

"I'm Finn I'm guessing your Alpheus."


"Word of advice stop trying to fight them, it doesn't work."

"They kidnapped you too?"

"Kaiko doesn't like the word 'kidnapped' she prefer surprise adoption."

"I swear they're insane."

"Your one to talk, your wearing their crest."

"Yea not by choice."

Finn laughed.

"Well if I were you I'd give up on any hopes of leaving."

"I swear I'm calling the woa."

"Won't they arrest you?"

"Yes that's the point, if they arrest me I don't have to put up with the Nektons."

"Actually..." Finn scratch the back of his neck "they have a lot of connections, they'd probably be able to get you released and then Kaiko'd give you a long lecture."

"Will would look disappointed the whole time."

"Yea and don't get me started on Ant."

"Oh he'd never let me live it down."

"See your better off just staying here."

Alpheus thought about it for a moment, then looked to Finn.

"The pans on fire."


While Finn was panicking Alpheus walked over to the wall and picked up the fire extinguisher, he put out the fire quite quickly.

"Kaiko's going to kill you."

"Naa, that's Fontaine's job."

The Nektons have a habit of kidnappin- sorry 'surprise adopting' random kids.

Finns uniform is like Wills and Ant's bit with red. Alpheus hoodie is purple because the Nektons assumed its his favourite colour.

Please leave your thoughts and suggestions in the comments and tell me what I should do next. As always feel free to use my ideas or aus.

Thanks for reading have a good day/night.

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