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Plaws_Xaver suggested I do prompt 25 so here it is.

Ant woke up exhausted. He'd been up for most of the night studying for his navigation theory test. It wasn't going well. He decided the best course of action would be to sneak out in the shadow night. He hoped that if he stayed out long enough Kaiko and Will would forget, but he brought his tablet with him so he could get an hour or two if studying in just incase. He'd been out for an hour when he got a call from Kaiko.

"Ant come back to the Aronnax."

Ant sighed, there was no getting out if it now.

"Ok mum I'm on my way."

On his way back Ant desperately searched for any excuse not to go back. He was starting to give up when he spotted Alpheus' sub in the distance. He sped towards it. A few seconds later Alpheus called.

"Hello Antaeus."

"Alpheus, thank god! I need you to kidnap me."

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Well you see I have a test and I really need some more time to study so if you could just lock me in a storage closet for a few hours that would be great!"

There were a few seconds of silence.

"... f*ck it. Sure come onboard."

The air lock opened.


Ant wasted no time and rushed in. He jumped out of the Knight and started making his way to the bridge. He met Alpheus on the way there.

"Hi Alpheus what's the WiFi password?"

"F*ck you Ant."


"No, that's the password."

"Oh no numbers? That's not very secure."

"Shut up."

Alpheus shoved Ant into the storage closet and locked to door. Ant sat down on the floor and began studying. Almost an hour later there was a loud thump from somewhere on the sub.

"Aria what was that?"

"Alpheus tripped over a dog."


Ant started banging on the door until Alpheus opened it. He looked very annoyed.

"You're here to study not play with- HEY!!"

Ant ran past him. He ran down the hall to where he heard the thump. He opened one of the doors and found a snow white husky with several kittens climbing over them.

"AAWWW!! You're so cute!!"

Ant started petting the dog. Alpheus ran in a few seconds later to find Ant lying down on the floor. His dog Kai was sitting with her head on his chest and there were kittens sleeping on his legs and arms.

"Alpheus, help me!" Ant whisper yelled.

"Nope you got yourself into this you can get yourself out."

"Noo please help."

"Kai, don't let him get up."

Kai barked and wagged her tail before lying back down.

"This is kidnapping!"

"You asked me to kidnap you."

"I did bu-"

One of the kittens had walked up to his head and put a paw over his mouth. The kitten then curled up beside Kai's head.

"Are you good Ant?"

"I've changed my mind. I'm moving in."

Alpheus is currently regretted his life decisions

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's

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