new aus and head cannons

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I'm also gonna include some extra info about different aus.

Ghost au. Alpheus Maddy and Finn are all ghost who live in an old mansion, Maddy like scare people Alpheus and Finn don't usually scare people they usualy help the people living there by cleaning up or giving them gentle reminders to take medication. When the Nektons move in they decided to mess with Ant and Ant alone after he makes fun of a picture of Maddy hanging up on the wall. They can turn visible and when they are visible they  can move things around. They are eventually caught by Fontaine and Fontaine not wanting to let Ant know he was right about the ghosts says nothing. The ghosts start coming to Fontaine to get their pranking equipment.

What is hammerhead found Alpheus on the floating black market and his wife made him keep Alpheus. So Alpheus is now a pirate with two idiot siblings he has to keep under control. His day consists of yelling at Finn to stop flirting with Fontaine and getting punched in the face because Maddy got into a fight with another pirate and he has to save her. The dark orca is slightly less rusted and broken because Alpheus can be scary when he wants to be and uses it to get new parts cheap. He and Fontaine don't like eachother very much because Alpheus things Fontaine will break Finn's heart and Fontaine doesn't like Alpheus because he's a pirate.

In the httyd au most dragons live in the hidden world it is Kaydas goal to find the hidden world so the dragons can be safe from hunters. The defenders of the wind tribe do still exist but just like the wing Maidens they cut themselves off from the rest of the world.

Alpheus and Kenji would get along you can't change my mind.

Finn is actually really good with the trumpet but has no self-confidence.

Alana isn't very strong but no body on the floating market ever trys to attack her because they have respect for her she will help any pirate with an injury. The few who have tried immediately get jumped by a group of pirates.

Whenever Alpheus gets overwhelmed, sick or upset his dragons pull him into this massive nest of pillows and blankets and cuddle him until he feels better. It happened once when Produes was onboard and Produes decided to try to drag Alpheus out he was attacked by almost thirty dragons, he was left covered in amber and stuck to the wall. After that the dragons no longer treated Produes like a friend anytime he got to close to Alpheus they would fire at him.

Alpheus doesn't get sick often, but when he does he gets really sick same with Finn so Maddy is constantly worried about them.

Idk why but I've been getting a lot of ideas for aus and head cannons lately.

Thanks for reading please let me know what you think and what you'd like to see next.

Have a good day/night

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