Super hero au

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Sorry about being gone for so long, I've been really burn out lately, but I got this done hope you enjoy.

Ant Nekton live in a fantastic world, a world filled with magic and super heroes. He came from a long line of super heroes, he was so proud to be a part of the Nekton family. To day was his 13th birthday he begged his parents to let him come on one of their patrolslike his sister, they had finally given in.

It was a quiet night, not much had happened and Ant was bored out of his mind.

"I thought we'd be fighting super villains or something, this is so boring."

"You've been lucky so far Ant, these super villains are not to be messed with, remember the rules."

"If one shows up turn invisible and hide until they go away."

"Exactly, it's getting late we'd better get home."

"Home base to sparks, sparks are you there?"

"I'll never understand why you chose sparks as your super hero name, I get you can shoot fire and stuff but wouldn't inferno or something had been better."

Kaiko rolled her eyes and answered her comm.

"Home base this is sparks go ahead."

"Sparks the raven has been spotted in your area, I know you have your kid with you but there is a bank in that area holding uranium."

"Any sign of the dove?"

"No sign of him."

"Odd those two are inseparable."

"He could already be inside."

"I'll got check it out."

Ant turned to his mum.

"Why do you need to stop them, all the stuff they take shows up in perfect condition. All they seem to be doing is exposing weaknesses in the security systems, or exposing corrupt politicians."

"I know Ant, but they are braking into some of the most secure places on the planet, we need to fine out what there up to."

"Be careful ok?"

"Of course Ant, I'll only fight them if I have too."

"Good, we still don't know anything about their powers or if they even have any!"

"You really seem to like these guys."

"What can I say, their interesting."

Kaiko hugs Ant before she leaves, Ant knew the way back Kaiko knew he'd be fine. When she got there she saw the raven standing on the roof, Kaiko knew it wasn't a mistake, no one saw these two unless they wanted to be seen.

"Umm Hello there can I help you?"

"You can tell the bank owner their security socks, it honestly only took us 2 minutes to get in, I had to stay here to make sure no one else broke in."

"Oh really?"

"Yea really I've been here for hours, but now it your problem. Night." The raven ran off and disappeared before Kaiko could ask her anything.

Kaiko sighed, this was going to be a lot of paper work.

Heyy I hope you enjoy

Please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's

Have a good day/night

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