au mashup

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Jadetheruisimp requested a bunch of aus so were starting with the Ant Benthos au let's go!!!

When the pulling stopped Ant found himself ontop Alpheus' submarine. He looked around for a few seconds before he heard the air lock open. A few seconds later he saw himself climb up onto the roof. He was wearing a wet suit similar to Alpheus'. Ant decided to sneak inside while the air lock was still open.

Once inside he noticed that Alphues had tubes similar to the ones on the Aronnax.

"Huh, so Jeffrey must be onboard."

"Yes Antaeus, your fish is onboard."

Ant jumped when Aria spoke, he'd completely forgotten that Aria was here.

"Heyy Aria, thanks for reminding me... I'm just going to go to my r-"

Ant had turned slightly and noticed his other self standing in the air lock.




Ant was chased down the hall by other Ant. It wasn't long before Ant was caught and shoved into a closet.

"Who sent you!? Was it Protues I will murder him!"

"No one sent me! I'm not a guardian spy!"

"Suure, Protues obviously found a shape-shifter and hired them to spy on us!"


"That's exactly what a shape-shifter would say!"

Ant sighed, there was no way he was going to talk himself out of this one, he was just going to have to hope that the Alpheus of this au would help him.

"You still haven't told me who sent you."

"No one sent me! I'm not working for the Guardians, well kind of. I'm you from another universe!"

"Likely story shape-shifter!"


"I'm going to go get Alpheus, Aria lock the door!"

Other Ant left. Ant pulled out his note book, he name the new universe Ant Benthos universe. He wanted to know why AB Ant hated the guardians so much. Maybe it could help him befriend his own Alpheus.

It wasn't long before AB Ant came back with AB Alpheus, who had a bird on his shoulder.

"... why do you have a bird?"

"He's a forest nymph."

"We've been over this, I am not a forest nymph."

"Suuure, and that bird on your shoulder didn't try to plat your hair."

"Ha! You're not a forest nymph, you're a Disney princess!"

"Shut up shape-shifter."

"Oh my god you are!"

"I am not!"

"I've literally seen you singing to animals and they listened!"

"You talk to a fish!"

"... maybe I'm a Disney princess too!!"

"Look we can talk about this later, right now we've got to deal with the shape-shifter."

"I'm not a shape-shifter, I'm Ant from another universe!"

"Prove it!"

Ant pulled handed him his note book.

"This is everything I know about every universe I've been to."

"Oh hey, there's one where we're both Nektons, and they named it after you! Thats not fair I want a universe named after me!"

"Well I did name this universe Ant Benthos universe."

"I like that name, sounds strong."

Alpheus shook his head and even the bird on his shoulder seemed to sigh.

"Thanks for giving my brother an ego boost, now hes going to be even more annoying."

"You can’t say anything, this is my universe!"

"And this is my submarine. Other Ant you can leave if you want I'm going to get a cup of coffee."

"Haven't you already had like three cups?"

"Yes but coffee."

"No no more coffee!"

Ant laughed a little as the brothers argued. He picked up the staff and felt himself being pulled forward once again.

I want to point out that Alphues is technically a prince but attracts animals like a Disney princess. I really want to make this a trait of the Lumuria royal family.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's in your own works.

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