Finn and Alpheus adopt cats au

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I was once again bored enjoy

Alpheus was walking through the floating market, he had just bought some Lumuria maps and was now looking for local shelters, the floating market was always moving trying to avoid the woa.

He was only a few minutes from his sub, when he saw a boy about his age struggling to carry 5 small kittens. Without thinking Alpheus walked over to him.

"Hey, do you need some help?"

The boy looked at him and nodded.

"Yes please, I really don't know what I'm doing."

"That's ok."

Alpheus took three of the kittens from him.

"Come with me."

Alpheus turned to walk back to his sub.

"Thanks, my names Finn."

"Alpheus, nice to meet you."

When the two got back to his sub Alpheus took Finn to his kitten room (because we know he's extra) and set up the incubators.

"Put the kittens in here"

Finn did as he was told while Alpheus grabbed a heat pack and stuck it in the microwave.

"Why do you have a microwave in here?"

"Well, kittens can't regulate their own body heat so heat packs come in handy, also they have to eat every 2 hours or so."

Alpheus reached down into a drawer and pulled out some kitten formula.

"Also they're only a few days old so they have no gag reflexe, so you have to be very careful when your feeding them."

The microwave dinged, Alpheus pulled out the heat pack, rapped it in a blanket and put it in the incubator.

"I think they might have fleas we should give them a flee bath."

Alpheus walked over to the sink and turned it on until it was luke warm.

"Ok, bring them and the blanket over, then while I'm cleaning the kittens can you clean the incubator and get new blankets."

The two worked together until all the kittens were clean and back in the incubator.

"Ok, so what now?"

"We feed them."

Alpheus taught Finn how to properly make up bottles, he then taught him how to feed them.

"They're so cute, just listen to them purr."

"I know, be careful."

"I am."

After a few minutes of silence Finn finally spoke up.

"So what's going to happen to these little guys?"

"Well," Alpheus began. "I'll take care of them until they're old enough to be adopted, then I'll find homes for them. If you'd like I'll give you a tracker so anytime I'm in the area you could drop by."

Finn smiled

"I'd like that."

I was thinking, what if Alpheus discovered that you could Foster kittens, what if Finn found abandoned kittens on the floating market, what if Alpheus has to help Finn take care of the cats. Now there Friends. This au is mainly going to feature two animals loving idiots encouraging each other to get more animals. Alpheus will Foster anything but mainly cats or dogs, Finn will cuddle anything so Finn will get texts from Alpheus like

'Should I get 5 or 6 kittens.'

'Get 10.'

'I got 12 you wanna see.'

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas.

Have a good day/night.

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