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Kai found a bewildered beast.

It was a lovely day, well for Alpheus anyway, for the dragon hunters he was raiding it probably wasn't a nice.

Alpheus had collected a group of dragons to help out, Snowball had also shown up so Alpheus knew today would be a good day.

It was a close battle but they won, Alpheus was walking around unlocking cages Kai and Melody were right by his side, there were other dragons helpings out, leading the injured back to Alpheus' sub. They were almost finished when Kai just ran off. Alpheus didn't think much of it, Kai did that way to often, he figured she saw an injured dragon and wanted to adopt them.

Kai came back 2 hours later, on a monumental dragon.


Kai who had been sitting on one of its tusks flew down. She was smiling and wagging her tail.

"Don't give me that look."

Kai looked up at Alpheus and gave him the puppy dog eyes.

"No, no."

Kai started to wimper, she looked so sad.


Kai immediately perked up, she stated jumping up and down.

The monumental, who Alpheus named Tiny, followed them everywhere, mostly from a distance. It had been two weeks and of course he just happened to run into the Nektons. They instantly opened a communications line.

"Alpheus what are you doing here?"

"Well you see, my dragon kinda adopted another dragon, and were going to drop them off at home base."

"Really what's their name?"


The Nektons all started laughing, until Tiny showed up on sonar.

"What's that, it's huge."

"That's Tiny, did I forget to mention he's a monumental?"


"My dragon adopted a monumental."


"Nothing surprises me anymore."

A loud roar came from behind Alpheus, the Nektons watched as orange and yellow dragon with blue wings ran in, she was being followed by other dragons but the Nektons couldn't make them out.

"Hey Melody, you OK?"


"Yea there's like 10 on my sub right now."


"Yea, so I need to go, Tiny's getting angry, and you don't want to see Tiny angry."

"Ok, yep on you go uuh, please tell Tiny not to eat us."

Alpheus didn't say anything he just hung up, Tiny had stopped behind him, he was glaring at the Nektons sub. Alpheus smiled he had to admit, that was fun. Tiny wasn't actually angry he was confused. Melody and the other dragons were dragging him out of his chair, they were hungry, Alpheus knew it would be a while before they got to his home base (a remote island he'd turned into a dragon sanctuary with the help a friend.)

"Aria is there anywhere near by that's safe?"

"There is an island 2.5 miles north of here."

"Great we'll make a stop there before heading to home base."

"Plotting a course now Alpheus."

Alpheus was then dragged out of the bridge by six dragons, Kai didn't help him, she just laughed.

So dragon hunters still exist in this au, on a completely unrelated note how attached are you all to Kai?

I'm just imagining the Nektons running from the screaming death and then Alpheus just strolls up and give them belly rubs.

Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed, please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and let me know what I should do next

The Deep Oneshots Part 1Where stories live. Discover now