Alpheus the cat au

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I hope you enjoy!

Alpheus was still getting use to being this small, the doors would no longer detect him and wouldn't open when he walked in front of them. To get around this problem Alpheus had started running around in the vents. He mainly used them to avoid Kaiko who had started buying him Christmas sweaters and insisting on getting him to wear one. Luckily for him Fontaine and Ant took pity on him and would often hide him from her.

Nereus had come back to the Aronnax for the first time in weeks. He of course hadn't told the Nektons he would be dropping by and when he walked on to the bridge was met by non other than Alpheus.

"Oh hello Alpheus, you're still a cat I see. Although you are a lot smaller than the last time I saw you."


"I thought the spell would have worn off already."

Alpheus seemed to sigh then climbed up a small staircase onto the table. Nereus walked over to him.

"I don't suppose Antaeus would have anything to do with your size now would he?"


"Ah I see, he's very determined to change you back isn't he."

At that moment Ant ran in.

"Alpheus I've got it! This should turn you back! Oh hi Nereus."

Alpheus gave him a skeptical look before climbing off the table. He sat down in front of Ant and waited for him to dump the potion on his head.

"Antaeus are you sure this is the right potion?"

"Uhhh it's fifty fifty."

Ant said as he poured the potion onto Alpheus head. The room filled with smoke and when it cleared Alpheus was still exactly the same as he was before.

"What, I could have swore that would work, I must have done something wrong."

"Yea no sh*t."

Ant and Nereus both looked at Alpheus stunned.

"Did- did you just talk?"

".... FINALLY!! Now I can yell at you for being and ido- Meow!"

"What was that?"


Ant just sighed.

"Of course this potion wears off!"

Fontaine walked in. She looked around for a second then noticed Alpheus on the floor.

"Oh good there you are, I need your help Alpheus."

Alpheus tilted his head but still walked over to her.

"So me and mum ate going to the floating market and mum just remembered that Dolos is afraid of cats."

Alpheus seemed to per up a little.

"Can I come! Please!!"

"Sure, meet us at the solar skis in ten minutes."

Fontaine and Alpheus started making their way to skis. When they got there Fontaine made Alpheus put on a mini life vest.

"You can take it off when we get there ok."


"Don't worry I won't let Kaiko take any pictures or anything."

That seemed to calm Alpheus down a little.

When the Nektons got there Fontaine took off Alpheus' life vest and convinced him to hide in her back pack. They walked onto Dolos' boat.

"What do you want Nektons?"

"Well you've come into possession of some Lumurian artefacts and we'd like to take them off your hands."

"Well you see Kaiko, the artefact your after is quite rare, it would be a shame to part with it but I could for a price."

"Oh we hoped you'd say that."

Fontaine took off her bag and opened it. Alpheus walked out and immediately made his way towards Dolos.

"Ahh! A- a cat Kaiko how could you!!"

Alpheus had managed to sneak out of Dolos' sight while he was yelling at Kaiko. He managed to make his right behind Dolos.

"Wait where is it!?"



Dolos ran below deck. The Nektons could see him looking out the window, Alpheus sat down right in Dolos' line of view.

After an hour or so Dolos brought down his price, Fontaine put Alpheus back in her bag and they left with the artefact.

So I was thinking, what if a few of the Aus meet up, so it would be like some how the Ant from the cannon time line meets up with the Ant from another time line/au. Imagine the conversations!

"Have you very met Alpheus? Blue hair, Lumurian fairly annoying, tech genius?"

"Oh you mean our brother?"

"... brother?"


"Have you very met Alpheus? Blue hair, Lumurian, fairly annoying, tech genius?"

"Well I don't know about the Lumurian thing but that sounds like mum's work son."

"... excuse me?"

Anyway is that some you guys would like to see? Please let me know!

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's in your own works

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