Prank war au

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AshyGurl101 gave me the idea. I hope you enjoy.
Ant decided to start a prank war with Fontaine, she calls in her friends let's just say Alpheus is more than happy to screw with Ant.

Fontaine was chilling in her room when Alpheus ran in.

"What are you doing?"

"I'll explain later."

Alpheus ran over to the closet and hid inside it. Less than a minute later Fontaine heard her brother scream.

"What did you do?"

"You'll see."

Fontaine started laughing, Ant's hair was bright pink.


"I'm sorry, but you look ridiculous."

"I'll get my revenge."

"I'd love to see you try."

Ant storms out, once his footsteps fade Fontaine and Alpheus break down laughing.

"Just wait, if Finn's done his part it's
about to get better."

Ant was heard screaming again.

"Take a picture for me."

Alpheus ducks back into the closet a Ant's footsteps get louder.


When Ant busts in he is covered in glue and feathers.

"Pft haha."


"It is, you look ridiculous."

Fontaine quickly snaps a picture before Ant storms off again.

"So dramatic."

"Your one to talk." Finns voice rang put from the air duck. Fontaine opened up the grate so he could come out.

"We need to leave."


"Mum's going to kill me Alpheus, I need to be kidnapped."

"Say no more, we can plot out next prank when we get there."

"I'll order pizza."

With that they all clim into the vent and start crawling towards the moon pool.


"Go, faster!!"

"I'm going as fast as I can."

10 minutes later and they were all on Alpheus' sub where Fontaine was surprised to find madiline, she was sitting on Alpheus sofa.

"What are you doing here?"

"I live here."

"Ok then, do you want to help us prank Ant."

"What kinda questions is that, of course I do!!"

Fontaine and Maddy spent the next 20 minutes thinking of the best ways to prank Ant, Maddy suggested Fontaine hide about 6 different alarm clocks all over Ant's room and set them 20 minutes apart.

"Your evil and I love it."

"I know, I'm the best."


Alpheus and Finn walk in with 5 pizza boxes.



Alpheus hands everyone their pizza and they all sit down for a Disney break before they continue plotting.

"Why do we even need a Disney break."

"To remind us that morals exist, now Shh mulans starting."

Ik this one's really short but idk what else to write.

Yes Maddy and Finn live with Alpheus now, they basically just showed up one day and never left, Alpheus doesn't mind tho.

Thanks for reading, please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or aus.

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