pirate au x httyd au

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DanielleHarris402 wanted to see another Httyd x pirate au hope you enjoy! Just a quick recap, Alana just found Kayda unconscious on the floating market. Tw: blood

Alana made her way over to the girl, she was still breathing and her pulse was steady. It was a good sign. She gestured for Tripod to come closer. She lifted the girl up and onto Tripod's back.

"I'll be back I promise."

She said to the night fury before jumping onto Tripod and flying back to the dark orca.

When they got there Alana snuck the girl into her room, she told Tripod to stay and watch over her. She walked down to the med bay and grabbed some bandages and an ice pack. When she got back the girl was half awake, she seemed confused.

"Hey, hey don't try to get up you're in pretty bad shape."

"Who are you? How did- how did I get here?"

"I'm Alana, I brought you here. Now please be quiet if Hammerhead catches you here things will not go well."

Alana grabbed the girls arm and began cleaning out the cuts.

"Where's my dragon, where's Luner a-and Emerald?!"

"I'll get them soon but right now you need to sit still."

"NO! Please I have to find them!"

Alana knew she wasn't getting anywhere so she just gave in.

"Fine, I will go get your dragon, but you have to stay here."

"No I'm coming with you!"

"Tripod hug."

Tripod immediately wrapped his tail around her waist and pulled her in for a hug.

"I'll be back soon don't go anywhere, I mean it."

Alana walked down to Alpheus' room and knocked. When he answered he looked slightly annoyed. Alana realised why when she saw the baby Razorwhip on his back.

"I need your help."

"I'm busy, Finn just dumped this baby Razorwhip on me and told me to figure if out."

"Well it's your lucky day! I found the owner, she's in my room and we have to go get her night fury before Hammerhead leaves the floating market."

"....could you say that again?"

"Just put the Razorwhip in my room and meet me on the market."

Alpheus had so many questions but he just did as he was told. When he walked in he saw a girl about his age sat on Alana's bed.


The baby on his back perked up and immediately flew towards her. Alpheus didn't really know what to say.

"I have so many questions I-"


"I will be right back."

Alpheus ran down the hall with Kai following close behind him. Once he was outside Alana hoped onto Kai's back and together they made their way to Luner. Alpheus spent a few minutes checking the dragon over before Alana and Kai were allowed to move him.

"He just seems to have a sprained wing and ankle. He'll be fine in a few days."

"Great, let's get back to the dark orca, Hammerhead's going to leave any minute now."

"Alana, Kai can't carry all three of us."

"Well then you should stand up on those crates and wait for a dragon to come adopt you. It should take about five minutes."

"Haha very funny, there's no dragons within a hundred miles."

At that moment a Typhoomerang dropped from the sky and cooed at Alpheus.

"... I stand corrected."

"What are you going to name him?"


".... Barnacle.... BARNACLE?!!"

"I'm calling him Barnacle and you can't stop me, now let's load the night fury on."

It took a few minutes to get Luner back to the dark orca, they called ahead and asked Maddy to distract Hammerhead so they could sneak onboard. Maddy took this as an excuse to paint all of the  hallways green. Alpheus and Alana really didn't know what to say as they quietly walked to Alana's room. They could hear the distance yells of Hammerhead ordering his crew to find the culprit.

When they got to Alana's room the girl was asleep. Luner seemed happy to see her and crawled up onto the bed beside her.

"So, what do we do now?"

Alpheus always finds a dragon, doesn't matter where he is he always finds one.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's in your own works!

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