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Alpheus was woken up in the middle of the night to Maddy kicking him. He sighed and sat up. Maddy kicked him again, harder.

"Maddy wake up."

Alpheus shook her awake.


"Your kicking me and hogging the blanket!"

"Then get another blanket."

Maddy rolled over and went back to sleep. Alpheus groaned then flopped back on his pillow.

"You're sleeping in your own room tomorrow."

That's when the door to his bedroom opened. He looked up to see Finn standing in the doorway.

"I had a nightmare can I sleep with you?"

"... fine get in."

Alpheus ended up sleeping on the floor that night. He didn't mind, he was use to it.

He woke up first the next morning. He checked on Finn and Maddy before heading down to the kitchen, he was surprised to find Will was already awake.

"Oh hello Alpheus you're up early."

Alpheus didn't say anything he just sat down at the table.

"Can I get you anything to eat?"

"No, thanks."

"Are you sure, you and Maddy skipped dinner last night."

As if on cue his stomach growled.

"I'll make you some pancakes."

"It's fine Will, really."

Will didn't listen, he got up and grabbed some pancake mix.

When the pancakes were done Will sat down opposite Alpheus and they both ate in silence. When they were done Will tried to get Alpheus to talk but he wouldn't say much. Eventually Maddy came running down in followed closely by Finn.

"Why'd you leave!"

"You kicked me out of the bed."

Will was trying not to laugh as the trio argued. He picked up the dishes and put them in the dishwasher as Finn and Maddy dragged Alpheus back to bed. A few hours later Ant, Fontaine, Jess and Griffin all came in they grabbed some popcorn then took off. A few minutes later he had made more pancakes and went to check on them. He found them all in Ant's room in a huge blanket fort.

"Guys I made pancakes!"


Everyone but Alpheus shot out if the fort and grabbed a pancake.

"Guys take it easy there's plenty to go around."

Everyone settled down again and continued the morning.

"What are you watching?"

"Coco, it's really good!"

"We're doing a movie marathon cause Maddy and Finn don't know what Pixar or Disney is!"

"Ok then, I'll call you when lunches ready."

"Thanks dad!"

Will walked out and was greeted Kaiko.

"You need to get milk and no kids this time!"

"No promises."

Kaiko said as she walked out the door.


Kaiko came back with the milk and no kids. Ant and Griffin were both a little upset they wanted always wanted new siblings.

It didn't take very long for Alpheus Maddy and Finn to get use to the Nektons. Sure they were loud and a little insane but they were really starting to get along. They'd been with the Nektons for almost a year now, Maddy Ant and Griffin were always getting some form of trouble and Alpheus was always getting them out of it. Finn Fontaine and Jess were a little bit calmer than there younger siblings but Alpheus still had to bail them out of trouble often enough.

Whats gonna happen next, let me know in the comments!

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's

The Deep Oneshots Part 1Where stories live. Discover now