Roommates au

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Warning Alpheus and Alana get a little drunk at the end.

Fontaine had been living with Alpheus and the rest for a few weeks now. She'd learned that Alana and Alpheus both worked Alpheus was a game developer and Alana worked at a local coffee shop. Finn was taking a degree in ancient languages at her university. Jess was taking and engendering course and Maddy was still in school. Fontaine wasn't taking and university classes yet. She had decided to take a law degree but classes had been delayed so she had two months to kill before it started up. She spent most of her time at the house with Alpheus but he was always working and rarely had time to talk.

Sometimes when he got all his work done early the two would head down to a local shelter and help out. Finn had banned Alpheus from getting any kittens or puppies and Fontaine wasn't having any of it. She wanted some god damn kittens.

They ended up fostering six kittens and on they way home they talked about what they would say to Finn.

"Listen Alpheus I'm like your lawyer. This is your house and you can adopt some kittens if you want!"


When they got home Finn Alana Jess and Maddy were sat in the living room talking.

"Hey guys!"

"Where were you two?"

"At the shelter."

"... you didn't."

"It's my house Finn."



Alpheus set box down on the table and pulled out a kitten.

"They're so cute just look!"

Alana rolled her eyes and handed Alpheus a cup of coffee.

"I made Irish coffee."

"You're the best."

"Yea whatever."

Alpheus took a sip then handed the kittens to Maddy.

"Why don't you and Jess go make a room for them?"

"Ok, but first can I have some of your coffee?"

"Oh no definitely not."

"Oh come ooon!"

"No Maddy come on you've got kittens to attend to."

Maddy huffed a little but eventually walked away. Jess followed her a few seconds later.

"That coffee actually smells pretty good can I have one?"

"It has whisky in it Fontaine."

"... why am I not surprised."

"Alana don't you have work tomorrow?"

"No I got fired but its fine I'll get new job on Monday."

Alana took a big mouthful of her coffee.

"... you know I have wine in the fridge."

"You do?! Great give me some!"

"No, no last time you two got drunk we found you on the roof the next morning!"

"That was one time!"

"That was three times!"

As the trio argued Fontaine heard a knock at the door. She got up and walked over to answer it. She opened the door only to come face to face with her parents.


Kaiko reached forward and immediately hugged her daughter. The others in the living had looked over to see what was going on and everyone but Alana immediately hid behind the sofa. Alana just took another sip of her coffee. It was gonna be a long night.

I had seen Irish coffee on a drinks menu at a restaurant and immediately thought it would be something Alana and Alpheus would enjoy.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's in your own works.

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