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Can't believe I'm at 37 already. Kayda has a habit of finding baby dragons everywhere.

Kayda was having a great day, she had left the sanctuary to gather supplies but came across a baby night terror, he was so friendly and curled up around her shoulders. She spent the rest of the day walking around with a baby dragon, she named him Benson. When she got back Alpheus saw the baby an melted instantly.

"Aawww he's so cute." Alpheus said as he scratched behind Benson's ear.

Benson let out a cooing noise and then jumped over to Alpheus' shoulder and snuggled up to him.

"Awww we're keeping him."

"Of course we are."

Benson followed Alpheus and Kayda everywhere he was always sitting near them demanding to be pet or cuddled neither minded he was to cute to be mad at

Alpheus was checking out some Lumurian ruins he brought Kayda Kai Melody and Luner with him. Kayda and Luner split off down a different tunnel.

When they met back up Kayda had a baby smothered smoke breath, it was small even for a baby. Kayda and Alpheus spent the next 6 hours feeding and playing with the baby, Alpheus named her Francine. She wasn't very cuddly but she would constantly bring the two jewelry, she'd get so happy when she'd see them wearing the jewelry she'd gotten them, they both knew she was stealing the jewelry but they could never yell at her because she was just too cute.

Alpheus thought he had seen everything, he'd been adopted by a typhoomerangs and whispering deaths Heck he'd even ridden on a monumental dragon, he'd later learned it was called a bewildered beast,but when Kayda casual walked slightly on fire, holding a smoothie in one hand and a baby bewildered beast in the other he didn't know what to think.

"What's that?"

"A smoothie."

Kayda started walking down the hall to the mini hatchery.

"Hey don't you walk away from me, I need answers!!"

"Found a baby, got a smoothie what's there to talk about."

They named the baby King, him and Tiny got along well, Tiny was so careful with the baby it was adorable to watch.

Fontaine though this would be a normal day, it had started out normal but now she was sat in her room with a baby dragon. Mum had insisted they take care of it, but it would not stop screaming. It was Fontaine's turn to watch them. She decided to play her guitar in hope of drowning them out. She was very surprised when the baby started to sing along, she played for a good thirty minutes before Ant came in and yell


Fontaine was about to yell at Ant when the baby spat an Amber like substance at him


Fontaine laughed as the amber hardened and Ant panicked.

"You know, I like you I think ill call you Amber."

I'm just thinking of Fontaine running up to Alpheus like HELP HOW DO I DO THIS!!

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's

Let me know what you guys wanna see next

Have a good day/night

The Deep Oneshots Part 1Where stories live. Discover now