Overprotective Ant

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This is based on a conversation I had with SerrianGovender, basically Ant us overprotective of everyone, and I mean everyone. Enjoy!!

It was unusually quite on the floating market, Ant and Will were on their way back from Dolos' ship and it was starting to get dark. They both hurried to get back, as soon as the Aronnax came into sight they saw the dark orca right beside it. They ran the rest of the way. Ant got there first and found Finn outside.


Finn jumped and whipped his head around. Ant immediately tackled him.


"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I didn't even want to be here."

When Ant calmed down enough to actually think, he noticed how pale Finn was and that he was shaking.

"Finn? Are you feeling alright?"

Finn shook his head. Will helped him get up and they both took him inside. When they got in there Kaiko and Fontaine were already kicking the pirates off the Aronnax. They couldn't see Hammerhead anywhere. Kaiko took one look at Finn and decided he was staying. Finn being Finn started flirting with Fontaine. Ant was of course a little annoyed.

"HEY!! Stop flirting with my sister and go to the study!"

Fontaine started blushing as Finn was dragged away by Ant, Kaiko laughed as she followed them.

A few hours later Finn felt a lot better, Kaiko gave him some medicine to help take down his fever but it was starting to make him a little loopy.

"You know Fontaine, you have really pretty eyes. Like really pretty I could look at them all day."

Fontaine was a blushing mess. Ant was silently glaring at Finn from across the room, just making sure Finn didn't try anything. Eventually Kaiko and Will heard news of a fight breaking out on the floating market and decided to check it out. Fontaine eventually left to go grab some food, Ant used this time to interrogate Finn.

"What are your intentions with my sister?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Are you planning to hurt her? To break her heart?"


"Good, because if you do you'll be sorry."

Finn looked a little scared but he was more confused than anything. Ant eventually went to join Fontaine in the kitchen. When he got there Fontaine was making sandwiches, he went to grab one and she slapped his hand away.


"Their not for you, they're for Finn."

Ant smirked

"Awww making sandwiches for your boyfriend~" Ant teased

"He's not my boyfriend!"

Ant laughed.


"Shut up!"

Ant snatched a sandwich and bolted



Ant locked himself in his room to avoid his sisters wrath. He heard her yelling and banging on the door for a few minutes before she gave up and went to give Finn some food. Ant of course didn't like the idea of Finn and Fontaine being alone so he crawled into the vent and followed.

And that's all I've got.

Sorry guys updates are gonna be slow for a while I've got writes block.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's

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