Tranquilliser au

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I just realised, the Nektons never told Nereus that they 'adopted' Alpheus...

tranquilliser au let's go.

For the first time in months Nereus decided to pay the Nektons a visit. Everything was going well, he'd been grilled again for not giving the Nektons proper answers mainly by Kaiko and Fontaine. Eventually Ant got an idea and ran to the bridge, everyone followed him.

When they got to the bridge, Ant had already turned on the Ephemycron, he was pointing to a symbol.

"THIS COULD BE LUMURIA!!!" Ant yelled excitedly

"Ant," Nereus turned to the voice and thats when he realised Alpheus was in the room. "First of all, I have a headache please keep it down, secondly I've been there, it's completely empty."

Nereus was too shocked to speak, he was looking at Alpheus then to Ant then back to Alpheus.

"Are you sure? I mean maybe you missed something."

"I was there for two whole days Ant."

"I'm sorry, but did i miss something?" Nereus said as he gestured to Alpheus.

"Ohhh, yea we adopted him."

"You kidnapped me."

"Adoption, kidnapping, they're basically the same thing."

Alpheus rolled his eyes and went back to reading his book. Nereus made his way over to Kaiko and whispered to her.

"Do you really think it's the best idea to keep Alpheus here? He could steal the Ephemycron or the Cronical of the deep."

"Even if he wanted to steal them, he wouldn't get very far."

"But still Kaiko-."

Kaiko turned and looked him dead in the eye.

"That's my son you're talking about Nereus, be very careful about what you say next."

Nereus backed off, he knew not to mess with Kaiko. Nereus decided to take a closer look at Alpheus and that's when he discovered the broken leg. This only confused Nereus more, he decided to ask William about it.

"William I don't mean to see rude, but why is Alpheus here?"

"We adopted him."

"Well yes I know that, but why?"

"Why not."

After that William walked of presumably to his study. Nereus was starting to get a little annoyed so he decided to talk to Fontaine.

"Fontaine, could you tell me why Alpheus is here?"

"He's an idiot, that's why."

Nereus knew he wasn't going to get anything else out of Fontaine so he moved onto Antaeus

"Antaeus, could you please tell me why your nemesis is here."

"I honestly don't know, mum and dad came home with him one day and now here we are, one big happy family."

"I hate all of you."

"Sure you do, you keep telling yourself that." Fontaine mocked

Alpheus glared at her

Nereus turned to Alpheus in a last ditch attempt to find the truth.

"Alpheus why are you here."

"I'm just as confused as you are old man."

"Alpheus don't be rude."

"You're not my mum."

"Not yet."

Alpheus glanced up at Kaiko, he sighed he knew there was no arguing. At this point Nereus was getting desperate.

"Can anyone tell me why he's here!?"

"Can you tell us where Lumuria is?"

Nereus finally admitted defeat and he returned to the guardians to tell them what was going on.

"I have news about the Nektons."

"What kind of news?"

"The Nektons have... 'adopted' Alpheus."

Tethys didn't look very surprised but Glaucus on the other hand was just as confusedas Nereus.

"What do you mean they adopted him!?"

"The Nektons insists that they've adopted Alpheus."

"When did this happen?!"

"How should I know!?"

"You were supposed to be keeping an eye on them?!"

"Look I don't know how or why or when they adopted him, but they did."

That's when Tethys finally decided to speak up.

"It took longer than I expected."

Nereus and Glaucus looked at her.

"You knew this would happen? And you didn't tell us?!"

"I thought you knew."

Nereus is never gonna get the full story. I like to imagine that anytime in the future when he asks the Nektons what happened they all tell him a slightly different story.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's.

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