Kaiko adopting kids au

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DanielleHarris402 suggested another Kaiko adopts every child in the ocean au. So I have decided to continue the Alpheus just stays on the Aronnax au, but now Maddy and Finn join him.

Kaiko was walking through the floating market, when she noticed Finn and Madline. Maddy didn't look to good she was pale and shaking. Kaiko rushed over to make sure everything was alright.

"Maddy, are you ok?"

"I don't need your sympathy Nekton."

Kaiko looked to Finn.

"She's just a little sick, she'll be fine in a few days."

"She shouldn't be walking around the floating market while she's sick, its freezing!!"

Kaiko grabbed Maddy and started walking towards the rover, Maddy tried to fight her but it was useless.

"Finn! HELP!!"

Finn looked at Kaiko, after a few seconds he silently followed her.

"Good choice, now come on I'm taking you both back to the Aronnax."


"Maddy, just let Kaiko help."

It took a good thirty minutes to get Maddy back to the Aronnax. When they got there Kaiko took Maddy to a spare room so she could lie down. Once she came back she told Finn they'd take him home after they'd checked out this nearby reef.

Finn thanked Kaiko then made his way to the kitchen. That's where he met Alpheus.

"Oh hi who are you?"

"I'm Alpheus and you are?"

"Finn, nice to meet you."

"... you do know that you're not leaving right."

"What do you mean? Kaiko said she'd drop me and my sister off after they checked out a reef."

Alpheus started laughing.

"Oh please, they gave me that excuse two months ago."

Finn stared at him for a few minutes.

"I'm gonna go talk to Kaiko."

"Don't bother it's to late, welcome to the Nekton family." Alpheus said as he walked out.

Finn chased after Alpheus, he had so many questions.

It took less than an hour for Alana to call. He was in the same room as Kaiko but he immediately picked up.

"Hey Finn, your dad's about to leave where are you?"

"The Nektons kidnapped me and Maddy, please send help."

"You're joking right?"

Kaiko snatched Finn's communicator.

"We didn't kidnap him we adopted him."

"Ummm, I'm guessing you don't want me to tell Hammerhead?"

"Of course we don't, if you could cover for Finn and Maddy for an hour or so that would be great."

"Alright, but you owe me Nekton."

Once Alana hung up Kaiko gave Finns communicator back.

"Did you really have to do that?"

"Yes I did, you're a Nekton now."

"I'm a what!?"

"A Nekton, welcome to the family Finn."

Despite Maddy's first reaction she did quite like being a Nekton, she and Ant got into lots of trouble together and she always managed to get out of her punishment with her puppy dog eyes, Ant was not happy about that one.

Finn ended up talking to Alpheus a lot, he seemed to be the only other sain person on the submarine. Finn and Maddy eventually got their own Knights Maddy got one similarly to Fontaine's mimic Knight and Finn got one a lot like the swamp knight.

It took over a month for Hammerhead to notice Finn and Maddy were missing. Alana was nice enough to give Kaiko a heads up when it happened. Kaiko was very tempted to head over to the dark orca and yell at Hammerhead for not paying more attention to his kids.

Heyyy hope you enjoyed.

Idk how many people read the ocs bit but for future reference Alana is 17 and Finns height.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's.

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