Httyd au

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Heyyy. More of the httyd au

Alpheus was having a fairly calm day, by calm he ment only one dragon had adopted him so far, a stormcutter he named Hurricane. He was making adjustments and repairs to Kai's saddle, it had ripped during their last flight. Kayda Melody and Hurricane were sat close by. When Alpheus finally finished he decided to take a test flight, he wanted to bring Kayda with him just incase something when wrong.

When Alpheus and Kayda got into the air several of their dragons decided to follow.

"I thought you told them to stay?" Kayda smiled

"I did but they just do what they want!"

Kayda laughed when Melody came up and licked his face.

"Ack gross."

Kayda was still laughing, even the baby razorwhip on her back was laughing. The baby was separate for his own safety, the male razorwhips had tried to hurt it luckily he seemed to be the only baby razorwhip because they had no idea how to properly take care of him, the mother wasn't helping either after Kayda had taken the baby so check I of injures the mother wouldn't touch him. She'd learned a small bit from the dragon eye, like how to feed him but it wasn't enough. Kayda stopped laughing she thought she heard a noise.

"Hey, did you hear that?"

"Hear what?"

That's when a young lady flew out of the clouds, she had a baby razorwhip on her back much in the way Kayda did.

"Hello there, I couldn't help but notice that you have a baby razorwhip."

"Oh, yea there's a few razorwhips at our sanctuary, but the males always seem to hurt the babys so we keep them separate."

They lady smile and flew closer she ran her hand along the baby.

"I must say, while your razorwhip is not very clean, he is well feed and happy witch is more than I would expect from someone outside our tribe."

"You guys take care of razorwhips don't you, could you teach me a few things, please I have no idea what I'm doing."

"Of course, we would be honoured there is however a problem."

"What do you mean?"

"We do not allow men to stay on out island permanently nor do we allow them to integrate into our tribe."

Kayda turned to Alpheus, he looked a little upset.

"Well can I still take a look around or visit?"

"Of course, you are more than welcome to visit, come I will show you the way."

Alpheus smiled as they followed. The lady looked very interested in the 20 or so dragons following them.

"I must admit, I have never seen such a diverse pack of dragons before."

"Yea, these guys follow us everywhere."

"They're from our sanctuary, speaking of which it's not to far from here, we could show it to you incase you need help."

"That would be wonderful but first we should rest. You two will be our guests of honour at out feast tonight."

"Thank you, I'm Alpheus and my friend here is Kayda."

"Valda I am the leader of our tribe, we are the Wing maidens."

"Nice to meet you Valda."

When they landed several other Wing maidens walked towards them.

"Wing maidens tonight we celebrate, please welcome our guests of honour they wish to learn how to take care of razorwhips we shall welcome them with open arms."

Alpheus felt very awkward, many of the Wing Maidens were looking at him. Valda turned to Kayda.

"Shall we begin your training Kayda?"

"Uhh sure, Alpheus would you mind watching the dragons for a while?"

"Of course not, you go on ahead have fun."

Kayda smiled before walking off with Valda. After a few seconds one of the Wing Maidens walked up to him.

"What kind of dragon is that?" She asked pointing to a death gripper.

"Oh, that's a death gripper, don't let the name fool you she's incredibly friendly, would you like to pet her?"

After a few minutes Alpheus had a small crowd of Wing Maidens, they were teaching him what they knew about razorwhips and he was teaching them about all the other dragons he had encountered, even pulling out his note book it was filled with information and sketches of each one. As it turns out the Wing Maidens rarely left their island, they couldn't risk dragon hunters finding them.

After dinner Alpheus took a few Wing Maidens to the sanctuary, he let them know they were welcome anytime, they were confused and impressed by the technology there the Wing Maidens had been cut off from the rest of the world for what must have been hundreds of years. He grabbed most of Kayda's stuff, he had no idea how long Kayda would be gone but she'd definitely want her things. He flew back to the island with the Wing Maidens and said goodbye to Kayda. He was really going to miss her.


Yea Kayda needed to learn how to properly take care of the razorwhip and who better to teach them than the Wing Maidens.

I feel like the Wing Maidens would have cut themselves off from the rest of the world when dragon hunters became more common.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's

Happy Holidays!!

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