Finn and Maddy's mum comes back

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This is based off of a conversation I had with SerrianGovender.

It had been years since Nora had seen her kids, she'd hated leaving them but she had no choice. She'd spent the last five years making her kids a safe home, she'd worked tirelessly day in and day out and today it finally paid off. Nora finally got her divorce she'd won custody of her kids and she couldn't be happier, her happiness was short lived when Hammerhead dropped off the radar and refused to give Nora her kids. She was surprised when she got an offer from the Nektons, they offered to help her get her kids back and she gratefully excepted.

When Nora got onboard the Aronnax the Nektons started asking questions, lots of questions and it was mainly Kaiko asking. Nora was touched that the Nektons seemed to care so much about her kids, she asked Kaiko if she knew how they were doing. She was happy to here that Kaiko had looked out for Finn and Madline she couldn't wait to see who they'd become, she wondered if Madline still liked mermaids and if Finn still had that trumpet.

The Nektons took her to the floating market and helped her look, she eventually ran into Alana. Alana looked very surprised to see her.

"Nora is that you?"

"Hello Alana it's been such a long time."

Nora reached out to hug her but Alana moved out of her way.

"I assume you're here for Finn and Maddy."

Nora hated to admit but she hadn't thought to bring Alana back with her.

"Well yes.. do you know where they are?"

"I'll go get them wait here."

Alana came back half an hour later with Finn and Maddy in tow. Finns eyes lit up when he saw her.


"Hi Finn, come here sweetheart."

Finn and Maddy rushed to hug their mum. They were so happy to see her.

"We thought we lost you."

Finn said as he hugged her. Nora told them everything that happened, why she had to leave, why she didn't come back sooner. She felt horrible for leaving them and she knew she'd never get those years back, but she could make up for them now. She looked up to ask Alana if she wanted to come with them but she was already gone. Nora took Finn and Madline back to the Aronnax then she called the Nektons to tell them she'd found them.

Kaiko offer to let them stay on the Aronnax for the night, Nora happily excepted she quite liked Kaiko she had a feeling they were very alike. When Nora got Finn and Maddy back to her home she showed them to there rooms and started on dinner. Maddy and Finn came into the kitchen just before dinner was ready.

"Hi mum!! Can we go swimming?"

"Well dinners almost done but you could go after, maybe we could all go together?"

"You don't have to if you want to."

"Of course I want to, you're my kids I want to spend time with you."

Maddy smiled and hugged her, Nora hugged her back.

"Come on let's set the table."

Now Kaiko has a buddy to 'adopt' kids with.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's

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