Finn, Maddy and Alana chilling

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It was three in the morning and Finn could not sleep. They were staying at their home base while Danny boy did some major repairs to the dark orca. While Finn didn't mind home base that much the bed was very uncomfortable, eventually he got up deciding he couldn't sleep in this bed. He walked down the hall and up the stairs to get to Alana's room. When he got there he went inside.

"Wake up, Alana WAKE UP!!"

Alana groaned and sat up.


Finn pushed Alana out of her bed and then climbed in.

"You could have asked." Alana said as she grabbed a blanket off the bed

Alana's bed was very comfortable Finn fell asleep in seconds, he knew fine well Alana would get her revenge in the morning.

When Finn woke up Alana was no where to be found. He walked out of her room and was immediately covered in glue and feathers. He sighed and walked down to his room to get a shower. When he got there he found his water had been cut off, he knew he deserved it. When he got down to breakfast Maddy was stuffing as many pancakes into her mouth as possible while Alana was drinking a cup of coffee. She glanced up at him and struggled not to laugh.

"What happened to you?" Maddy asked once she noticed him.

"Why don't you ask Alana."

Maddy looked to Alana.

"He pushed me out of bed at three in the morning, I had to sleep on the floor."

"Oh then he totally deserves it."

Maddy went back to stuffing her face. Finn groaned and walked over to the fridge.

"I get the feathers and the glue but did you have to turn off the water."

"... I didn't turn off the water."

"Wait you didn't?!"

"No... I'm gonna go talk to Danny boy, maybe he'll know what to do." Alana said as she finished her coffee.

She walked out and made her way to where the dark orcas was parked. She found Danny boy in the loading bay desperately struggling to stop a flood she sighed.

"I am surrounded by idiots."

It took Alana five minutes to stop the water and patch the leak. Danny boy begged her not to tell Hammerhead, she agreed but made it very clear that he owed her. She went to her room to grab something to wear, she realised to late that she'd left everything in the loading bay and the loading bay had flooded.

She had to hunt through the still flooded loading bay for almost twenty minutes before Finn came in and helped her. She then had to wait for a whole hour before her clothes were clean and dry. After that Maddy dragged Finn and Alana off to explore the coral reef hoping she'd find a mermaid, she'd done it every time they'd gone to home base they never found anything but it was fun non the less. After a while Alana dragged Finn and Maddy to a small beach, she had left out a surf board for each of them.

"YES SURFING!!" Maddy yelled grabbing aboard "YOU'RE FINALLY GONNA TEACH ME!?"

"Yea come on, do you just wanna stay there Finn?"


Maddy learned to surf pretty quickly, after that she started trying to make up new tricks. She fell a lot Alana made sure to stay nearby just incase Maddy got into trouble. When the sun set Finn and Maddy went back to the base, Alana told them she'd join them in a few minutes. Alana stayed out long after the sun had set, she'd padded out past the waves and layed down on her board to look at the stars.

Maddy decide to make a blanket fort so she raided Finn and Alana's room knowing they would be pretty annoyed e had everything set up but it was missing something so she ran back to Alana's room to look for the fairy lights she knew Alana bought. When she found the lights she ran back to her room and put them up. She knew Finn and Alana would probably yell at her for a few minutes but knew they could never stay mad at her for long.

I think I'm a leave this one here, let me know if you wanna see another chapter in this.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's

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