Foster mum au

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Kaiko had registered as a Foster mum years ago, the first kid she took in was a little girl named Jess, she was only three years old. When Kaiko got her she knew she was never gonna let her go. She ended up adopting Jess less after less than a year of fostering her.

When the fostering agency next called it was about a boy the same age as Ant named Griffin, the agency wanted to know if Kaiko would take him. She said yes of course. When she came back home with him Ant Jess and Fontaine were all very excited to meet him. Griffin seemed nervous at first but he liked the Aronnax and the Nektons.

Ant and Griffin would always get into trouble together, they'd pull pranks on their parents and sisters all the time. Their sisters would always get their revenge eventually and that's how the great prank war began. It lasted for almost a month before Kaiko and William broke it up, well they thought the broke it up but in reality their kids just teamed up to prank them instead. By the end of the week Kaiko had bright orange hair and the entirely of Williams study had been glued to the roof. To this day Kaiko and William don't know how they got the desk up there.

One day Kaiko went out to get some milk as they had just ran out. On her way to the store she got a phone call, it was the fostering agency, they had three kids that no one would take in. The agency asked Kaiko if she could take them even if it was just for a few days. Kaiko said yes and told them she'd be there soon. When Kaiko got there she was excited, she couldn't wait to met them. She was introduced to Finn Maddy and Alpheus, she noticed right away how nervous Maddy was, she was hiding behind Alpheus and refused to talk to her. Kaiko didn't want to overwhelmed them, so she just lead them out to the car, they all sat beside eachother in the back seats.

When they got back to the Aronnax Maddy and Finn were both very curious, they'd never seen a submarine before. When they got inside William looked at Kaiko for a few minutes before speaking.

"Kaiko, where's the milk?"

"... I'll get it tomorrow, kids say hi to your new siblings, this is Finn Alpheus and Madline."

Ant, Griffin, Jess and Fontaine immediately started asking questions, Maddy got scared and his behind Alpheus again, Griffin and Ant apologiesed for scaring her, but she still wouldnt talk to them or let go of Alpheus. Kaiko figured they were tired so she showed them to their rooms, she'd made sure they were close together. Finn seemed happy to have his own room and immediately went inside, Maddy on the other hand didn't even give her room a second glnce as she followed Finn into his room. Alpheus took a look in his own room he dumped his bag in the corner and then lay down on the bed.

Less than five minutes later Maddy walked in and say down beside him.

"Are you ok Maddy?"

"I just don't like new places, they're scary."

"I know Maddy but I've got a good feeling about this one."

"That's what you said about the last one and they sent Alana away!"

Alpheus sat up.

"Hey, we'll find her Maddy don't worry."

Maddy wanted to believe him.

"Why don't you get some sleep, it's been a long day."

"Can I stay here, I don't wanna be alone."

"Of course Maddy."

Heyyyy Kaiko gets ALL the children.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's

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