Httyd au

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Because I think you could all use a little anst, Kai is gonna get captured.

It was a warm summer night, Kai was out for a sunset flight, when she noticed a dragon struggling to get away from some hunters. She dived down to help the poor bone napper escape, he was scared but otherwise alright, the bone napper ran off as soon as he got the chance but Kai stayed to fight, it wasn't until she was hit by a dragon root arrow that she finally feel.

When she woke up, she was in a small metal crate, she had a muzzle and she wasn't alone. There were 2 other dragons beside her. They looked sick and scared. Kai was scared, she didn't like hunters but she was sure her human would come rescue her.

Alpheus was worried, Kai should have been back by now. He walked over to conner, a rumblehorn, he mounted the great dragon and together they made their way over the island, where they found a meadow torched, it was covered with scorch marks and arrows.

'The hunters got Kai.'

Alpheus bolted back to his sub, he had no idea where they could had gone or where they were going, but he knew who might.

He was at home base in less than an hour. He was greeted by Kayda, she looked worried.

"Alpheus what's wrong, you look like your about to pass out?"

"They got her, they got Kia."

Alpheus began to sob, Kayda instantly rapped her arms around him.

"Hry, hey shh it's ok, well get her back, it's ok."

Alpheus clingged onto Kayda, she was already coming up with a plan.

"Ok Alpheus, what I need you to do is got get Snowball and all her friends ok, well go to one of the main hunter ports and we'll tunnel in, Kai will be there I promise."

Alpheus nodded, Melody and Sparkey walked towards the two and snuggled up to them.

"She's probably so scared."

"Alpheus she knows we'll come find her, she trusts us."

Alpheus wiped his eyes and pulled away.

"Ok well meet at the island north of the hunters port."

"Ok, I'll be there, and thanks."

"No problem, those huntersare going to wish they were never born."

A hour later Alpheus and Kayda met up, Kayda had brought Tiny along.

"I thought we were tunnelling?"

"Changed my mind, we're going all out."

The battle was quick, the hunters didn't know what hit them, Kayda and Alpheus when around every cage until.


Alpheus was there in seconds, Kai was pushing her self against the wall, he had a few cuts and bruised but she looked alright.

"Hey Kai it's me, Kai it's ok."

Kai looked terrified, until she caught Alpheus' sent, after a moment she relaxed she let Alpheus lead her out of her cage.

"It's ok."

Alpheus rapped his arms around Kai, she purred slightly.

"Let's get you home ok, well get you all cleaned up."

Kai followed closely behind Alpheus, she wasn't leaving his side anytime soon.

Well now the therapy dragon needs therapy. Don't worry Kai will get lots of hugs from the other dragons.

I'm thinking of doing a q and a for my aus, if you'd like that leave your question, who their for and witch au they're from in the comments.

Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed, please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas.

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