Tranquilliser au

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dragonwoman33 gave me the idea for this. We know Alpheus has most if not all of his life on Aria, so he's probably not vaccinated for a lot of things. This is a continuation of the tranquilliser au enjoy!!

Alpheus had been on the Aronnax for a months now, Kaiko had finally taken of the cast and he was free to walk around the Aronnax. Before they let Alpheus leave, Kaiko wanted to ask him a few questions just to make sure he'd be ok. Eventually the subject of vaccines came up.

"Alpheus are you up to date on your vaccinations?"

".. um no."

"What?! Why not there very important Alpheus!"

"I live on a submarine, I don't usually go out so I never bother to get them."

"You're staying here until we've got your vaccines up to date."

"Is that really necessary?"

"Yes it is."

Alpheus looked nervous, Kaiko felt bad for upsetting him but he really needed the vaccines."

"Alpheus, they'll keep you safe and it'll only hurt for a moment."

"... can you do them? I don't like doctors."

"Of course Alpheus, I think I have a few onboard. Let's go take a look."

Kaiko and Alpheus walked to the study together, Kaiko could tell how nervous Alpheus was. When they got there Kaiko told Alpheus to sit down while she got the vaccines out.

"Ok Alpheus, I've only got three on board, this one is for polio, this one is for tetanus and this one is for the measles."

Alpheus nodded nervously. Kaiko picked up the first needle.

"Can you role up your sleeve please?"

"It won't hurt?"

"It will but only for a second, just stay still ok?"

Alpheus nodded, Kaiko stuck the needle in his arm before he had a chance to change his mind.


"I'm sorry, but look we're done."

Kaiko grabbed a plaster and stuck it over the small cut.

"One down two to go."

Kaiko dumbed the needle into the biohazard bin before walking over and grabbing the second one. When she turned around, Alpheus was still sitting there, he was shaking."

"Alpheus, are you doing ok?"

Alpheus shook his head.

"Do you need a minute?"

Alpheus didn't respond. Kaiko put down the needle and walked over.

"Alpheus? Hey take a deep breath."

Kaiko sat down beside him. She talked to him for a few minutes until he calmed down.

"Are you ok now?"

"Yea... can we get this over with?"

"Are you sure? We could always leave it till tomorrow."

"I'm sure, just do it."

Kaiko went back over and grabbed the needle, she grabbed the last one while she was there.

"I'll try to make this quick."

Kaiko suck in the first needle and Alpheus flinched when she pulled it out.

"You're doing great just one more to go."

Kaiko picked up the last needle, Alpheus looked away. Once Kaiko was finished she dumbed the two needles into the bio waste bin with the other one.

"Alpheus, do you wanna go to your room."




"Living room?"

Alpheus nodded.

"Ok, let's go."

Kaiko helped him stand up, he was still shaking. When they got to the living room Kaiko sat him down on the sofa she grabbed a blanket and rapped it round him. She grabbed the first Disney movie she could find and put it on. A few minutes later Fontaine walked in, she looked to her mum when she noticed the tear stains on Alpheus face. Kaiko shushed Fontaine. She got the message and didn't say anything she just sat down.

I believe that Alphues would hate or be scared of needles.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's

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