Fiction dad au

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This is loosely based on a conversation I had with SerrianGovender and dragonwoman33. Dragonwoman suggested I turn it into a story. Enjoy!!

Alpheus had been on the Aronnax for a few weeks now and he desperately wanted to leave. He knew the Nektons were trying to help him but Alpheus still didn't trust them. One night when the Aronnax was docked Alpheus snuck out. He didn't know where he was going, he just knew he couldn't stay with the Nektons any longer. He eventually figured out that he was in England. He decided to head to Australia. He had a friend there that would probably let him crash on their sofa for a few days.

Meanwhile on the Aronnax.

"Has anyone seen Alpheus, we were supposed to watch kajiu dijiu together!"

Fontaine rolled her eyes.

"He's probably hiding from you, no one wants to watch kajiu dijiu with you."


"He's probably in his room."

"I've checked his room."

"Have you checked the study?"


"The kitchen?"

"He's not there."

Kaiko pulled up the security cameras checking to see if she could find him. She rewinded a few hours and saw Alpheus leaving the Aronnax.

"Alpheus left."

"What do you mean Alpheus left!"

"I mean he's gone!"

The Nektons all went out looking for him but Alpheus was already at the airport. He'd booked a plane and was waiting at the gate to get on. He felt bad for not telling the Nektons he was leaving but he knew they'd find some excuse to keep him on board and he really needed a break.

The flight took hours and by the time he got to Australia Alpheus was exusted. He didn't know where he was. Nothing looked familiar. He wasn't looking where he was going and accidentally bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry are you ok?" The guy asked while helping Alpheus off the ground.

"I'm fine, thanks. Do you happen to know how to get to xxx xxxxx? I'm a little lost."

"A little? That's practically on the other side of the country."

"Just my luck." Alpheus sighed. "Do you know if there's a hotel nearby?"

"No I don't think so, but you could come back to my apartment with me. I have a spare room you could stay in."

Alpheus was surprised, but he said yes.

"I'm Fiction and you are?"


Fiction's apartment was bigger than Alpheus had expected. The kitchen was almost as big as the one on the Aronnax. Fiction was nice to Alpheus, he'd learned that he was an inventor. The two spent hours talking about things they had made or could make. The pair had actually started on one but Fiction noticed it was long past midnight and decided they should both head to bed.

The next day when Alpheus woke up Fiction had already made breakfast. Alpheus sat down at the table beside him. A few minutes later Fiction asked him.

"You wouldn't happen to be Alpheus Benthos would you?"

" yea, why?"

"Kaiko called. She's worried about you."

"Of course she's always worried about me. You didn't tell her I was here did you?"

"Nope. I figured you could use a break. The Nektons mean we'll but they can be little overwhelming."

"Tell me about it."

Fiction smiled.

"You can stay here as long as you'd like. I won't tell the Nektons."


"I could really use a lab partner. What do you say?"

Alpheus thought it over for a second.

"Sure, it sounds like fun."

Fiction is adopting a child.

They would get along you can't change my mind.

The Deep Oneshots Part 1Where stories live. Discover now