Mashup au

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Atla au enjoy

When the pulling stopped the five found themselves in a different universe. Ant was the first to take action.

"We should try to fund ourselves on this au, so we should split up, Finn and Maddy you two go that way, Alpheus you go that way and Fontaine you can come with me."

They all nodded and split up. Finn and Maddy didn't find themselves but they did see a group of nasty looking solder marching through the forest. They decided it would be safer to head back to the clearing and wait for the others.

Ant and Fontaine weren't doing much better, they had stumbled apon what looked to be a cross between a platypus and a bear. The pair ran back to camp when the beast swung one of its paws at them.

Alpheus had been walking for almost a mile now, he was surprised when he came across a small boat on the water. He decided to check it out. As soon as he stepped onto the deck a blur of red scales flew towards him.

"Kai! No! Bad dragon!"

Alpheus heard himself yell. When the two locked eyes there was a few seconds of silence.


The other Alpheus jumped back and summoned a jet of water that immediately froze when it hit Alpheus.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?!"

"Well I'm you from another universe."

"... what?"

At that moment a small bison ran out from below deck. The bison ran towards Alpheus and started licking his face.

"No! Pumpkin, Kai! Stop adopting strangers we don't have the room!"

There was a growl from both Kai and Pumpkin as they refused to let go of their new friend.


Other Ant ran out onto the deck and hid behind his Alpheus as an angry girl ran out from below deck.


"I'm sorry!!"

The girl grabbed the other Ant and started dragging him down below. Fontaine walked past them holding a tea pot.

"Do I want to know what Ant did?"

"No you don't... why is there another you?

"No i don't."

Other Fontaine handed other Alpheus a cup of tea and looked over to Alpheus.

"So what are we going to do with him?"

"Can I have a cup of coffee?"

"What's coffee?"

Alpheus sat silently for a few seconds.

"Can you let me out I need to talk to my Ant."

"... fine."

Other Alpheus waved his arm and the ice turned back into water. Alpheus immediately stood up and started marching towards the clearing where they'd split up.


When Alpheus walked into the clearing and immediately saw Ant, Fontaine Maddy and Finn all up a tree trying to get away from a bear... or was it a platypus... no probably just a weird bear.


Alpheus picked up a rock and chucked it at the bear. The bear looked a little stunned before running off. Everyone climbed down the tree and walked towards him.

"Ant did you really have to bring us to the one universe where there's no coffee!?"

"Sorry but I can't control where we go."

"That's bull sh*t are you forgetting that I was literally kidnapped by another me!"

"Just because he did it doesn't mean I know how he did!"

While the two were arguing other Alpheus and other Fontaine had caught up to them.

"How many or you are there?!"

"Five, hey do you mind if we stay with you guys for an hour or two?"

I had to put the coffee addict in an au with no coffee. Sorry Alpheus please forgive me.

I'll probably upload the next chapter for the Werewolf au tomorrow

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's in your own works!

The Deep Oneshots Part 1Where stories live. Discover now