Tranquilliser au

208 7 32

Damn I'm at 50 already.

This is a continuation of the tranquilliser bit enjoy.

Alpheus woke up I the middle of the night his entire side felt like it was on fire he couldn't hold back the screams. It took less than a minute for Kaiko to run in.

"Alpheus, what's wrong?!"


Alpheus had tears streaming down his face by this point. Kaiko grabbed the painkillers and helped Alpheus sit up.

"Kaiko stop please you're hurting me!"

"Im sorry Alpheus but you need to sit up ."

Once he was sat up Kaiko gave him the pain killers.

"I know it hurts Alpheus, I know." She said rapping her arms around him. "It's gonna be ok."

Alpheus was shaking, every time he breathed or sobbed it sent a wave of pain up his side, he was trying so hard to stop crying.

"Shh I've got you."

Kaiko moved a little hoping to get him into a more comfortable position, it worked and Alpheus finally stopped crying.

"Is your side any better?"

"No." Alpheus replied quietly.

"The pain killers should kick in soon, I promise you'll feel better when they do."

Kaiko started running her fingers through his hair.

"I hope your right."

It took almost an hour for the pain killers to finally kick in, when they did Alpheus was exusted he was starting to fall asleep in Kaiko's arms.

"Hey, Alpheus are you ok?" Kaiko asked.

"I'm just tired."

"Ok, I'll help you lie down."

Kaiko gently moved Alpheus back down onto the bed, she grabbed the blanket and pulled it back over his shoulders.

"Try to get some sleep ok."

Kaiko sat beside Alpheus long after he fell asleep, she wanted to make sure if he woke up in pain again she could give him some pain killers straight away. He woke up twice during the night each time Kaiko would give him some painkillers and talk to him until he fell asleep.

When it was finally morning Will waked in.

"Did you stay up all night?"

"Is it morning?"


"Then yea I stayed up all night."

Will put a hand an Kaiko's shoulder.

"Get some sleep ok, I'll keep an eye on him."

Kaiko nodded

"If he even trys to get out of bed tranquillise him."

"Will do." He replied laughing.

Kaiko headed to her room, she fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

When Alpheus woke up, Will made breakfast, he had Ant and Fontaine watch Alpheus so he couldn't escape. When he finished he brought everyone their breakfast and they all ate in the study. Once they finished Alpheus tried to get out of the bed but was immediately caught by Ant.

"HEY! get back in bed don't make me get the tranquillisers!"

"I'm fine, I can walk."

"Your leg is broken."

"I've walked on a broken leg before, it's not so bad once you get use to it."

The Nektons looked at eachother.

".. All in favour of keeping Alpheus permanently raise your hand."

Everyone raised their hand.

"... I am not staying."

"Your out voted, now get back in bed."

Poor Alpheus can't seem to catch a break.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's

Have a good day/night

The Deep Oneshots Part 1Where stories live. Discover now