head cannons/new aus

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Soo I have some new head Canons/ aus let me now if you wanna see a story on them

Soo did anyone else notice that the markings on the robot jellyfish look alot like the markings for Alpheus' emps. And it's safe to assume Produes sabotaged the test so maybe he had Alpheus build them but never told him what they were for, so maybe Produes has been using Alpheus for a lot longer than we thought

What if after just eaten Alpheus just never leaves the Aronnax. Like the Nektons are making up executes to keep him on board like 'Oh there's a reef close by that we should check out, it'll be really quick' and the reef is like a hundred miles away and theres no point in going back by the time they're done after like a month Alpheus is just like 'do you want me to stay?'  'Yes' so Alpheus just moved in

Finn is really good a breaking and entering so he regularly breaks onto the Aronnax and the Nektons have just gotten use to it. he has his own room and clothes

Maddy really likes anything sweet to the point where Alana is very use to seeing pirates coming in with bruises because they tried to take her sweets

Fontaine and Jess regularly sneek out to consorts, Kaiko and Jeff know what they're doing and just don't say anything

Alpheus and Finn meet on the floating black market because hammerhead left him behind and he needs a ride, they get along really well and now Alpheus will just show up to take his friend shopping

Fontaine secretly likes the kaiju movies but will never admit it

This is all I have right now let me know what you think

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's

Happy holidays

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