Kaiko adopts every child au

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It's been a while since I've done one of these. I got the suggestion from DanielleHarris402 and lunaeclipse1205 hope you enjoy!!

Finn was walking through the floating market. He was exhausted. He had a bad flu but his dad insisted that he continued to work. He hadn't been working long when Kaiko walked up to him.

"Finn, are you alright?"

"I'm fine."

Finn sneezed and dropped the box he'd been carrying onto his foot. Finn swore and grabbed his foot.

"Ouch, hey let's get you back to the Aronnax and take a look at your foot."

Finn reluctantly agreed, if he went back to the dark orca Hammerhead would probably send him straight back to work. Kaiko helped Finn to the solar skis. His foot was starting to swell and Kaiko suspected it was broken.

When they got to the Aronnax Kaiko snuck Finn to the study. She asked Fontaine and Ant to distract their dad while she x-rayed Finn's foot. It was definitely broken. Kaiko wrapped it in a cast and started thinking about ways to keep Finn onboard with out Will noticing.

Fontaine suggested they hide Finn in her secret room. The three agreed that it would be the best place to hide him. Kaiko went to the bridge to distract her husband while her kids moved Finn and made sure he was comfortable.

"Why are you hiding me from your dad?"

"He's a little overprotective, it's nothing to worry about. Just get some sleep ok?"

"Ok, will you be back?"

"In a few hours, we'll bring some food."


Ant and Fontaine closed the panel and made their way to the kitchen. They started looking through the freezer for something for Finn to eat. They settled on some soup and where heating it up when their dad walked in.

"What are you two making?"

"Ant wanted some soup, I figured I'd heat some up for him."

Fontaine said nervously. Luckily William bought it, he grabbed a cup of coffee and made his way to his study. Fontaine and Ant then snuck back to the hideout. Finn was still awake Fontaine handed him the bowl and the two siblings climbed inside to join him.

"Are you feeling ok?"

"Better than before."

When Finn finished Ant took the bowl back to the kitchen while Fontaine went to go find her mum. She was sorting through the boxes full of clothes looking for something for Finn to wear.

"Hey mum, so how long do you think we can hide Finn from dad?"

"We just need to keep him hidden until we're far enough away from the dark orca."

"And how long will that take?"

"Maybe a few days, maybe a few weeks, who knows."

"Well dad's not going to be to happy about it."

"Don't worry Fontaine, I'm sure he'll warm up to him he just needs a little time."

"What ever you say mum."

"Now come on I need some help sorting through all this."

I've got covid and I feel awful so updates might be slow.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's in your own works!

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