Finn the cookie thief

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Heyy I'm doing an au from the head cannons bit today

The first time it happened Finn was board, the dark orca hadn't had a proper raid in weeks and while he hated being a pirate at least it wasn't boring. He decided that breaking onto the Aronnax could be fun. It was actually surprising easy he spent several hours crawling around the vents and stealing their food. He was driving Ant insane as he constantly snuck out to grab his cookies when he wasn't looking. It was fun he left after a few hours taking the cookie jar with him, they were really good cookies.

The second time, he got caught. It was Ant who caught him taking the cookie jar


Finn bolted.



Ant chased Finn for a good five minutes before Kaiko saw them


Lucky for Finn they were near the moon pool, he grabbed a rebreather and jumped in. Ant followed him in the Knight.


Finn eventually got away he had to leave the cookies behind tho.

Fontaine was getting used to finding Finn on the Aronnax, he'd often just show up in her room sometimes he'd been there for hours sometime a few minutes. It was nice they'd talk, mess with Ant etc. Eventually Kaiko started making an extra dinner, she was worried about Finn he was far to skinny. William had put an extra chair in his study for Finn, he loved to read and would spend hours in there. After a while Finn was spending more time on the Aronnax than on the Dark Orca, he had his own room there, the Nektons were nice to him and he didn't really want to leave the Aronnax, but he kept going back for Maddy, he couldn't just abandoned her.

One day Maddy asked Finn if they could run away and leave the Dark Orca behind, Finn said yes. He called Kaiko and asked her if they could stay she was there in five minutes flat.

Finn and Maddy were happy on the Aronnax Maddy got to be a kid again she and Ant got along surprisingly well they were constantly coming up with new pranks and messing with each other, Finn hadn't heard Maddy laugh this much in years. After a month Kaiko present the two adoption papers Finn had never been so happy.

Yeeaaa Kaiko wants to adopt everyone

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's

Have a good day/night

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