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It's time for Alpheus and Kayda to find the hidden world.

Alpheus had docked at a small island for the night, he'd checked it out and didn't find anything so he went to bed. A few hours later Kai snuck out, she'd left Melody in charge while she was gone. She flew up into the air, high above the clouds. She picked a direction and flew for miles, but eventually the sun started coming up. She was just about to turn around when she heard a dragon call. It sounded familiar. She went down to check it out. What she found was a huge hole in the earth, there was water spilling in from all sides. She carefully landed on a rock right before the drop and looked down. She didn't see any dragons just some glowing plants. She was about to turn around and head home when she heard it again. She looked down into the hole one more time and she spotted them. Another light fury, he was calling for her to follow him. She jumped in a flew down.

When Alpheus woke up Kai wasn't there, it wasn't to unusual for her to be missing in the morning. Alpheus just thought she'd found a dragon and was trying to get them to follow her. When she didn't show up for lunch is when Alpheus started to worry. He decided to go looking for her, Melody was nice enough to give him a ride. They flew over the island but couldn't find anything, they flew around the surrounding islands but still nothing. Alpheus was really worried now, he called Kayda to see if Kai ended up at the sanctuary, but Kayda hadn't seen her. Kayda said to wait for her and she'd help him look. She got there about an hour later, Kai still hadn't shown.

"Get on, we'll give you a ride."

Alpheus hoped on Luner and they took off. They decided to head east and see if they'd spot anything. After a few hours a hole in the ocean came into view. They decided to check it out figuring Kai would have gone in. When they got inside they found huge caves that must have gone in for miles, huge pillars covered in strange glowing plants, but the thing that really caught their eyes were the hundreds of dragons. They'd never seen some of these species before they'd just read about them in books.

"Alpheus, I think we just found the hidden world."

Luner landed on a huge fungus that seemed to make a staircase. They both got off and walked up, they could have flown but Luner was tired from the long journey. After a few minutes they got to the top of the cliff and looked out to see Kai on top of a hill surrounded by hundreds if not thousands of dragons. Kai must have spotted them because she took off and flew towards them. She landed, knocking Alpheus over in the process. Kai cooed then started licking Alpheus' face.

"Hey, noo stoop."

Alpheus laughed and pushed her off. Kayda noticed the dragons starting to come closer, they didn't seem very happy that they were her. Kayda looked to Alpheus.

"I think we need to go."

Alpheus nodded and stood up. Kai let out a low whine and grabbed the back of his wetsuit, she dragged him towards some of the other dragons she couldn't wait to show her new friends her human. Kayda sighed.

"I guess we're staying."

And every dragon is going to adopt him, he can't walked five feet without being adopted by some random dragon hiding in a tree. Kayda is being swarmed by a mob of tiny baby dragons while their parents watch unbothered.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's!!

The Deep Oneshots Part 1Where stories live. Discover now