Monumental adoption au

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DanielleHarris402 wanted to see Ant use the monumentals to kidnap some siblings so here we go. Enjoy!

Over the past three weeks Ant had been training with the staff often for hours on end. He was getting much better and was actually able to control the Kraken, even if it was just for a minute or two. He'd been really bored lately. Finn and Maddy had left the dark orca so he never saw them anymore. He was learning to wake up certain monumentals and how to give them commands. That's when he go an idea.

"Nereus, hypothetically speaking if I were to command the monumentals to find someone and bring them to me would they?"

"Yes Antaeus, as long as they're in water the monumentals can find them. Why did you want to know?"

"Oh I was just curious, and how would you command them to do that?"

"I guess you would just ask them, why do you need to know Antaeus?"

Ant smiled then turned to the turtle monumental. He lifted up the staff.


Nereus jumped when Ant yelled. The turtle seem more than happy to track them down and swam off.

"Antaeus you can not use the monumentals to kidnap people!"

"I think he can!"

Kaiko piped up from the drives seat.

"I'll go get their rooms ready."

Kaiko got up and walked out.

"See even mum agrees!"

Nereus looked to William for help.

"Sorry Nereus when those two put their minds to something there's no stopping them."

"Ok then Antaeus, how will you explain the monumentals?"

"Oh they'll be plenty of time. I mean if they're family now they we've gotta tell them about Lumuria anyway. Nereus sighed admitting defeat.

A few hours later Maddy and Finn were brought to the Aronnax. They were in the red claw that was held in ths turtle's mouth. Kaiko headed down into the rover, the red claws engines weren't working so Finn and Maddy had to get a ride with Kaiko. As soon as the water drained they started asking questions.



"That's a monumental, Ant asked it to go get you two."

Finn and Maddy stared up at the creature as they made their way to the moon pool.

Once inside Kaiko showed them two their new rooms. She promised she'd get them some new wet suits in the next few days.

"Mrs Nekton we can stay."

"If you two escape we'll just send the monumental after you again so why don't you save us both the trouble and just stay."

"... fine."

"Great! I'll see you two at dinner."

Kaiko then turned and walked to the bridge. She sat down on her chair and turned to Ant.

"Now make them get Alpheus."

"Oh absolutely."

"No, no way this is where I draw the line!"

Nereus stood up and walked forward.

"He's dangerous, we can't trust him."

"Well maybe you can't but I trust him."

"Me too!"

"I'm still a little sceptical," Fontaine spoke up "but I'm willing to give him a second chance."

Ant just grabbed the staff when Nereus spoke up again.

"It's him or me."

For once all the Nektons were in agreement.

What do they decided. Keep Nereus or get Alpheus. Let me know in the comments!

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's in your own works!

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