Maddy's sick

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So basically Maddy gets sick and Alpheus and Finn are taking care of her.

Maddy woke up to a pounding head ache, the room was spinning and she couldn't sit up. She pulled the blanket up over her head, she desperately wanted to go back to sleep. After a few minutes she felt like she was going to throw up, she ran to the bathroom almost falling multiple times. Once she'd finally finished throwing up she dragged herself out of the bathroom and back to bed.

Alpheus walked in about twenty minutes later. He noticed Maddy was shivering the second he walked in.

"Hey Maddy are you ok."

"No." Maddy whispered pulling her blanket closer

Alpheus made his way over to her bedside and placed a hand on her forehead.

"Well you've got a fever, I'll go get you some medicine."

As he was leaving Maddy asked

"Can you get Finn, please?"

Alpheus nodded and walked away.

Five minutes later Finn came in looking panicked.

"Hey Maddy, are you alright can I get you anything." Finn said as he sat down beside her.

Maddy just pulled her brother into a hug.

"I don't wanna be alone Finn, please don't go."

Finn rapped his arms around her.

"I'm not going anywhere Maddy."

Alpheus walked back in with the medicine and some water.

"Here take these."

Maddy did as she was told, it didn't take long before the medicine kicked in.

"Do you wanna sit in the living room and watch movies?"

Maddy nodded. Alpheus walked over and picked her up, Finn grabbed the blankets and pillows and they made their way to the living room. Alpheus set Maddy down on the sofa and Finn helped her get comfortable. Alpheus started to set up the movie while Maddy settled down, Finn had ran off to get more blankets and popcorn.

"What do you wanna watch Maddy?"

".. can we watch reck it Ralph?" Maddy asked quietly.

"Of course." Alpheus smiled at Maddy and put on the movie. He then walked over and sat on the floor beside her.

Finn walked back in with six pillows and eight blankets, Alpheus laughed as Maddy was suddenly buried under the pile of blankets and pillows.

"Finn, this is to much, I can't even move."

"Your sick you need to stay warm." Finn replied as he say beside Alpheus.

They weren't even half way through the movie when Maddy fell asleep, Alpheus turned down the volume on the TV and gently prided the bowl of popcorn out of her hands.

Finn and Alpheus ended up staying in the living room all day, they wanted to make sure Maddy was ok.

When Maddy woke up she was hungry so Alpheus made her some toast and helped her sit up. When she finished eating she grabbed Alpheus' arm and refused to let go. Finn wasn't helping he just kept laughing as Alpheus desperately tried to get his arm back.

In the end Maddy won and Alpheus had to sit there until she fell asleep but he didn't mind cause Maddy was happy and Finn was having fun annoying Alpheus when he knew Alpheus couldn't do anything back. When Maddy did finally fall asleep, Alpheus replaced his arm with a pillow and went to the kitchen to make lunch for him and Finn. Finn stayed with Maddy incase she woke up.

Aaand that's all I've got I hope you enjoyed

Please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's

Have a good day/night

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