Best friend au

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More of the best friends au

Fontaine was going for a sleep over at Alpheus' of course she wasn't telling her parents that, she was just about ready to go when she walked by the bridge. She thought for a moment before running in and grabbing the Ephemycron just to annoy Ant. She was thinking about leaving it in her hide out, but figured maybe Alpheus would be willing to show her what some of these symbols meant.

She snuck into the moon pool room and jumped into the mimic Knight and made her way to the rendezvous point when she got there Aria was waiting

"Hello Fontaine Nekton."

"Hey Aria, can you let me onboard please?"

"Of course."

The air locks opens and Fontaine heads in. She makes her way down to her room and gets changed into her pj's she grabbed the Ephemycron and made her way to the living room.

"Oh hey Fontaine," Finn smiled as Fontaine came into the room "What's that."

"An old Lumuria artefacts, I'll give you a hundred quid if you can turn it on."

"Really, deal

Fontaine watch Finn struggle to turn on the Ephemycron for several minutes before Alpheus and Maddy walked in.

"Hey that's cool give it to me!" Maddy jumped over the back of the sofa and grabbed the Ephemycron

"Yea what ever it doesn't work anyway, Fontaine was gonna give me a hundred quid if I could turn it on."


Alpheus gave Fontaine a 'What are you doing?' Look Fontaine just smiled.

After a few minutes Maddy threw it.


Alpheus smiled and picked it up

"Mind if I try?"

Fontaine nodded and Alpheus pretended to fiddle with the Ephemycron for a second before turning it on

"Oh hey it worked."


Fontaine and Alpheus laughed

"It's a Lumurian thing."


Maddy jumped at Alpheus he laughed as she tackled him.

"Come on come on, movie time." Finn says as he drags Maddy onto the sofa

Maddy glared at Alpheus and Fontaine as they started the movie.


Alpheus tossed Fontaine the Ephemycron and sits down Fontaine walks over and tosses the Ephemycron back to Alpheus

"You keep it, it's your sub."

Alpheus tosses it back

"You keep it, Kaiko will kill me if I keep it."

Fontaine tosses it back again

"Well what am I supposed to do with it, I can use it."

Alpheus tosses it to Fontaine.

"Well you brought it."

Before Fontaine can tosses it to Alpheus Maddy grabs is

"What does this do anyway?"

Alpheus sighs "I'll show you after the movie now sssh it's starting."

Fontaine is really starting to trust Alpheus.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's

Please let me know what Au I should do next

Have a good day/night

The Deep Oneshots Part 1Where stories live. Discover now