new aus

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Hear me out... a coffee shop au but there is one shop run by Kaiko and one shop run my hammerhead, they are right across the street from eachother.
There is a kinda war going one between Hammerhead's shop and Kaiko shop basically they play pranks on eachother.
Finn works part time at his dad's coffee shop. Alpheus works at the Nektons shop and so does Fiction. Alpheus had a knew nickname every week until Fiction jokingly called Alpheus Kaiko's work son and it stuck. Finn is constantly sneaking over to see Fontaine when he's on break, Alpheus has caught him more than once.

DanielleHarris402 suggested I do something with sirens and it made me think of a new au. Basically the Nektons are all mermaids, the dark orca crew are sirens and so's Alpheus. Mermaids and sirens don't typical like eachother and stay out of eachothers way

Some how Ant ends up lost a sea as a kid and ends up in the guardians. He and Alpheus grew up together and when Alpheus left Ant stowed away on his sub until they were far away from the guardians, he refused to leave. So now Alpheus has gone through life having to keep this chaotic child under control.

These are all I've got at the moment, I'll let you know when I think of more.

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