Best friends au

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It's time for Jess' initiation aka kidnapping.

Jess was walking home from school, it's was finally the weekend and she was exited to talk to Fontaine. She wasn't expected to see her waiting at her bus stop.


"Hey Jess, no time to explain come on."

Fontaine dragged Jess to a near by Dock, were Alpheus' submarine was waiting.

"Whow who's submarine is this?"

"Oh it's Alpheus'."

"Wait, Alpheus? Alpheus Benthos? As in the guy who tried to kill you?"

"Yea, I was kinda kidnapped."


"It's ok, I asked him to."

Jess was even more confused.

"Come on we've got pizza and kittens."

"OH HELL NO!" Came a voice from behind them.

Jess turned around to see a guy with blue hair being followed by 2 others, she recognised Finn almost instantly.


"Why not?"

"You brought Finn here once and he hasn't left!"

"Oh please Alphie you know you love us." Finn teased.

"Oh Alphie do you love us?" The other girl joined in.

"I swear if you don't shut up I'll give you back to the dark orca."

"You wouldn't."

"Yea you love us to much."

Alpheus rolled his eyes.

"Yea yea, come on let's get something to eat."


Finn, Fontaine and Maddy all screamed at once.

"No no, we've had to much pizza, we're eating healthy."

"Jess you have to side with us here."

Jess thought for a moment.

"Pizza sounds good."

"I swear."

"HA your out voted! Let's go get pizza!"

"Some one has to go with Alpheus, last time we let him go alone he got 20 kittens."


"I'll go with him!"

"No Maddy your just as bad."

"I'll go." Fontaine said.

"I can go alone I'm not a child."

Finn glared at Alpheus.

"Promise me you won't get any kittens Alpheus."

"I promise, now what do you want I'll order it."

After they order Fontaine took Jess inside.

"So this is normal?"

"Yea basically, we've been working together to prank Ant."

"That must have been fun."

"It was, Alpheus and Maddy both have some evil ideas for what we can do next."

"You said their were kittens, where are they?"

"They were adopted a few days ago," Maddy said "but Alpheus will definitely get more soon."

10 minutes later Alpheus showed up... with 10 puppies, Finn just glared.

"I got pizza."

"... I'm going to murder you."


Maddy, Jess and Fontaine sat on the floor playing with the puppies while they ate Finn sat on the sofa he had stopped glaring at Alpheus, he hated to admit it but he had fallen in love with one pup in particular, he a pit bull and was missing a leg but he was still super friendly, Finn named him Cody.

Jess had been there for an hour when she got a call from her dad.

"Hey Jess, where are you?"

"Umm long story, I'm with Fontaine and some of her friends."

Her dad paused for a moment.

"... Jess are you ok?"

"Yep, got to go BYYEEE!"

Jess hung up.

"You know, you could have just said Alpheus kidnapped you."

"Why are you always blaming me?

"Cause it's easy."

Jess smiled as the two continued bickering.

"So?" Finn asked. "How'd you feel about pranking Ant?"

Heyyy. Jess has finally joined in.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's.

If you have any suggestions for what I should do next please let me know, also my dare book is up go check it out.

Have a good day/night

The Deep Oneshots Part 1Where stories live. Discover now