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DanielleHarris402 suggested I do something to do with mermaids so Ant's finally gonna find a mermaid.

Dylan woke up late one night, he saw lights off in the distance and grew curious. He swan out of the cave as his pod slept. He swam for a few minutes before getting closer to the light, he soon reliased it was a submarine, humans lived there. He was just about to swim back to his pod when he turned and came face to face with a human. He was in some sort of strange metal suit that let him breathe under water.

He saw other humans closing in, he thought he was trapped until, Dealla a warrior from his pod. She managed to cause a big enough distraction for him to escape by cutting right through one of the metal arms with her claws. Kyle never looked back as he swam to warn his pod.

"Mum, you need to take a look at this." Ant said.

He'd been exploring nearby when he spotted the mermaid, he was a boy and looked to be about his age. Not long after his family got there the mermaid noticed him.

"Hey we're not gonna hurt you." Ant said putting his arms up.

It didn't seem to help, the mermaid was panicking looking around at the rest of his family who were surrounding him.

"Guys I think we should back of-"

Ant was cut off when the shadow Knights arm was suddenly cut off. The young mermaid bolted, Fontaine tried to follow him but her Knight was suddenly slammed into. They didn't get a very good look at the mermaid attacking them, they were to fast. Eventually Kaiko got out of the rover and shot the mermaid with a tranquilliser dart. The Nektons took a moment to catch there breath.


"I don't believe it, they actually exist."

Kaiko swan down and grabbed the shadow Knights arm. She looked at where the mermaid cut, it was a clean cut. She put the arm into the rover and told William to grab the mermaid.

"We're not seriously taking her back to the Aronnax are we?!" Fontaine asked

"Well we can't just leave her here, once she wakes up we'll let her go, and we can't tell anyone about this, not even the woa."


"No buts Ant, you remember what happened with the sea horse don't you?"

Ant looked back down to the mermaid, Kaiko was right if they told anyone the mermaids would be hunted. The Nektons took the mermaid to their moon pool. Kaiko ran a few test while she was unconscious, she wanted to see what made her claws sharp enough to cut threw titanium. She didn't find much, when she looked at her nails they were completely normal. Ant was asking his mum a bunch of questions, nothing to important things like 'what do you think mermaids would do for fun?' You know typical Ant things.

When the mermaid did eventually wake up Kaiko immediately got out of the moon pool. They wanted to make sure the sedatives had passed through her system before they let her go.

When Dealla woke up she was in a strange place, it was bright and cold. It took her a few minutes to realise where she was, she felt dizzy and sick but she knew she had to get back. She started looking for a way out but couldn't find anything. Eventually the bottom opened up and she swam back to her pod.

The Nektons followed in there Knights and rover. It wasn't long before they came a cross a large cave, they watched mermaid swim around the entrance. She was looking for something but the Nektons didn't know what. When she spotted them she didn't even bother attacking she just looked at them.

"You don't think the rest of her pod left do you?"

"What makes you think there were more?"

"Well they're was the boy, their had to be others."

Kaiko looked at the mermaid again, she looked lost.

"It's our fault they got separated, we have to help her find them."

Ant and a mermaid what could possibly go wrong. BTW the Nektons only think they're mermaids they're actually sirens.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's

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