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Prompt 4 Alpheus and Fontaine run into eachother buying hair dye.

Fontaine just wanted to have a normal day was that to much to ask.

The Nektons had stopped in Sydney to refuel and gather some supplies, Fontaine's pink strip had started to fade so she ran down to the local shop to buy some hair dye and some bleach. She sat in the hair dye section for a good minute deciding what colours she should get, she turned to ask the person beside her. She was not expecting to see Alpheus. She stared at him for a good ten seconds before he noticed her, he didn't say anything just stared back. They stayed like this for a good twenty seconds, they were both thinking the same thin.

'God what are they doing here, this is supposed to be my day off, do I attack them, no if I attack first that would be rude.'

Fontaine was the first to break the silence.

"Umm can you help me pick a colour?"

"Can you not tell the woa I was here?"

"Deal, now I'm thinking about changing from pink to green or blue or something like that."

"I'd go for purple, it suits you."

"Well I would but I feel like it's to similar to pink."

"Well I wouldn't go for green, trust me you can't let that sh*t fade, or it looks like the ocean threw up on you."

"You sound like you've had green hair before."

"I did for like a month, I regret it."

Fontaine laughed.

"Hey don't laugh at me."

"I'm sorry but, you? With green hair?"

".... what would Ant look like with green hair?"

"You know I was thinking the same thing."

Fontaine reached forward and grabbed a box of green hair dye and another bottle of bleach.

"Fontaine please take a picture for me."

"Of course, now," Fontaine grabs a box of purple hair dye. "Should we get lunch?"

"Won't Kaiko realise your missing?"

"Maybe in a few hours, come on I'm starving."

"We have to pay for these."

"Oh, I forgot about that."

Fontaine and Alpheus walked over to the counter to pay, then walked down the road to a small cafe.

"So do you live near here?"

"Nope just visiting, what are you going?"

"Oh were just refuelling, what have you been doing,  gottena job yet?"

"I hacked space x and now I'm their head of cyber security."

Fontaine blinked a few times.

"You hacked space x?"

"I also improved their rocket designs, honestly the system they were using was so out dated."

"You hacked space x, and they gave you a job?"

"Yea, it was easy."

Fontaine though for a second.

"Can I have your phone number?"

"Why do you want my phone number?"

"Next time commander Pyromosome pisses us off I'm calling you and your going to hack the woa."

"Ok, as long as you don't tell Kaiko I was here."

"Deal, now Where's that coffee shop."

Alpheus and Fontaine are gonna cause some chaos.

The prompts are still happening 1-26 13 and 4 have been chosen

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's

Have a good day/night

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