I Got You Breakfast, and a Journal

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Hi Readers: I hope that you guys liked the first chapter that I posted for you guys today and are interested in what I wrote in there. But most importantly, I hope you were able to read in between the lines and figure out where this story is headed; but if you didn't, then I hope you guys are ready for the ride of a lifetime. I am so glad that we're on this journey right now, and I can't wait to give you more today. So, what do you say we get back to it? Here we go with Chapter One Hundred and Forty, my second chapter for today.

He just finished coming back upstairs from the cafeteria and gift shop, where he bought some things that Alex wanted this morning; things that she wish that she could've gotten for herself, but she couldn't as she's been ordered to stay in bed. But the truth was, Jay was glad that was the case; for the simple fact that he loves to take care of the woman he loves, and that's exactly what he was in the midst of doing right now. He was taking care of the woman he loves, as she's still on bedrest here at the hospital, which is something that Alex honestly loves, because she loves spending time with the man she loves. But preferably, she would like to spend some time with the man she loves...with him being shirtless; but that most definitely was not the case right now, because he just came back from being outside. But that was okay, because Alex would rather be the only woman to see Jay shirtless, which she most definitely will see soon, because she's going to give him an incentive to do just that. And that would be that he has to be shirtless if he wants to join her in bed, not that she would really enforce that deal; because she knows that he was just going to get in bed with her regardless.

After all, this was not just her hospital bed; rather, it was his bed too due to the fact that he was the father of the main patients that were being taken care of in this hospital room. Those patients would instead be their beautiful twins: Michael, and Olivia; the two little angels that Jay was currently in the midst of interacting with this beautiful Saturday morning. Looking at his beautiful daughter as he stood at her crib, Jay smirked as he put his hand on her neck and stroked her cheek. "Hello, my little princess, I hope you slept good last night." After which, he bent down and proceeded to kiss Liv's forehead softly, which was one of the most adorable things in the entire world, and always made Alex smile. And that was not just the case when he did it with their daughter, because she felt the same way when he does it with their son Michael. "Well, hello my handsome son; how are you feeling this morning? Are you okay my lil' man?" Alex smiled as she heard Jay say that, before deciding to speak to the man she loves so that she can let him know she's awake. "I think that both he, as well as Olivia are both good; especially since I didn't hear them cry the entire time that you were gone."

Turning his head as he heard Alex speak to him this morning, Jay smiled as he was glad that he just heard her voice; after which, he decided to bend down and (finally) let Max off his leach. "Hey bud, I am going to let you off now. But you need to promise me that you're going to go right to your bed." Max agreed with Jay as he said that, before feeling Jay take off his leach; after which, he walked over to his bed so that he could lay down. At the same time, Jay smiled as he looked at the woman of his dreams, Ms. Alex Halstead. "Well, I am a bit surprised that you're awake." Alex shook her head when Jay said that because she knew that was not the case. "I think we both know that you're not surprised whatsoever, especially based on the time." Jay agreed with Alex as she said that, as that was the truth. After which, he decided to make his way over to her at their bed; after all, he does want something from his beautiful wife. Moving his hand to her neck, Jay smiled as he leaned over her and put his hand on her neck. "Hi beautiful." Alex smiled as she heard Jay tell her that, before putting her hand on his cheek; after which, he leaned in and kissed the woman he loves so much.

"God, I am so lucky to have you as my wife." Alex smiled as she heard Jay say that, glad that was the case; after which, she leaned her forehead against his while putting her hand on his cheek. "God, I am so glad that you're back; you know how I hate waking up when you're not in the room with me." Jay agreed with Alex as she said that, well aware that was the case. After which, he leaned in and proceeded to kiss him softly. Taking things nice and slow with the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world, Jay smirked due to the fact that this is everything that they both want right now; they want to hold each other close, and they just want to make sure that they take it easy with each other. And that was due to the fact that Alex is still recovering, which is something that they both know means that they just need to relax. "Okay, we need to calm down so that you can keep resting." Alex agreed with Jay as he said that, well aware that was the case. "I know." Jay smiled as he heard Alex say that, before getting up and just smiling at the woman he loves; after which, he noticed that Max just jumped on their hospital bed after he took a drink. "Hey Max, how was your walk today?"

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