Post-Baptism Intimate Alone Time, Part 1A

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Well, if that wasn't a question to end the last chapter. And I hope that you liked it, because that most certain is something that I plan on answering for you soon; but unfortunately, you're not going to be getting the answer in this chapter as I have decided to keep you waiting. What? I have to do something to keep your attention, and make you want to keep reading this long story. A story that is just going to keep getting better and better as the chapters come out (hopefully). But right now, we're going to go ahead and concentrate on another family for a couple chapters; because like Matt and Gabby, they are celebrating quite a milestone. Want to find out what it is? Well, how about you keep on reading, and let me know what you think? Thanks again readers, and I hope you guys enjoy.

Halstead Family Home, Farmers Rd – To say that Alex was happy to finally be home was an understatement, especially since it meant that what was happening downstairs at the moment could finally happen; and that was bonding time, between her children and their grandfather. Yes, you heard that right, their grandfather. As we all already know, Jay and Will's dad has died recently; so, it can't be him that Alex is talking about, especially not when she's actually talking about Hank. Yes, that Hank; the one who sent her into premature labor is actually here right now, and there was a reason for that. That reason being due to the fact that today was the day, the day where she and Jay finally got a chance to do what they've been waiting to do for a while. And just what might that be? Well, that would be that they got to Baptize their children into the Catholic Church, which is something that Jay's wanted to do for a while. And now, they've finally gotten the chance to do it today (not like they could've done it tomorrow, as the godparents are working).

Well, two of the godparents. What did you expect? Did you really think that Jay and Alex could've gotten away with not choosing Will and Natalie as some godparents? Well, , you'd be crazy to think that; because that was not what was going on. Rather, they were currently just relaxing and taking it easy. Well, for now. They've already been together for a while, over three hours already; and Jay can already tell that his wife is starting to get a bit tired, which is the entire reason why Alex is actually in the midst of getting changed in their room. And she wasn't just getting changed out of her dress, but into something nice for him. Yes, she wore a dress o the baptism; she thought that she would at least do that, as she's the mom. But now that she was home, screw that. That's not her, and she wanted to be comfortable during the (short) time that their family are going to be here. They're here for the weekend after all. So, they're just going to be here for like maybe fifteen minutes so that they can just talk for a bit, and they've been together since lunch.

And the truth is, Alex is already starting to get a bit annoyed with her father; because she can just tell that he's biting his tongue, and that he's going to want to talk to her about them moving home. Because he wants to be involved in being with the grandkids, and being a grandfather; after all, all of his grandchildren have moved away. But that's not going to happen, as Jay and Alex are happy here in Hawaii; and it's good for Jay's PTSD, which is what she's going to talk to her father about at some point. But first, Alex is going to talk to her husband for a bit; and that was due to the fact that Jay just made his way into their bedroom, because he could see that it was where he needed to be right now.

He needed to be in their room, so that Alex could talk to him for a bit; and just get some things off her chest, which is exactly what he's here to do in the first place. He's here to be her sounding board, and to make sure that she's okay; but still, that doesn't mean that they're going to be all over each other just because they're alone. If anything, it's the opposite. Jay is just here to make sure that Alex is okay and is calm for when she comes downstairs; and that starts with him walking into their room and taking a moment to admire her in the mirror that she was currently standing in front of.

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