The Effect (of the Partial-Miscarriage) on Your PTSD

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Hi Readers: Before we begin this chapter, I want to let you know that I added some more content for you guys into the previous chapter. So, I hope you guys take a chance to read it before you read this one; the first of my new chapters for today. I hope that you guys like yesterdays' chapters and are ready for some new chapters, so let's just get started with those chapters. Thanks for reading.

But before we begin: I want to let you guys know that, after over one hundred and fifty chapters; I think it's time for me to start covering some other people. More specifically, I want to start adding some staff to the mix. I hope that's okay with you guys and are ready to see just how creative I am when it comes to the storylines that I can create for you guys. Hope you like the chapters.

That was something that was most definitely on Gabby's mind at the moment, but she was unsure over how this was going to effect Matt's PTSD; and whether this was going to have an impact on the PTSD related to her having had to give birth to the twins early, because she doesn't know yet whether she even has to give birth. Natalie wasn't able to give them any information on that, or at least she thinks. The truth is, the entire even that they just had on the hospital was a blur; and that was because it was a traumatic event, reminiscent of what they had to experience the first time they lost a child. And it couldn't be a coincidence that a Doctor Halstead was the one that gave them the news. But still, there is just so much that they need to talk about right now; and Gabby is just glad that they have some time to talk about this right now. And that's exactly what they're in the midst of doing right now, which is everything that they need to do; they need to talk about this, and they need to figure out just how they're going to help each other through it.

Because as much as Gabby is sad about this and is dealing with the traumatic even that they're currently going through; that doesn't mean that Gabby stops being a wife to Matt, which includes making sure that she supports him through his journey with his PTSD. But at least she doesn't have to do it alone, because she has a bunch of help from their friends and family; and Andy too, because he truly is a big help. But Gabby is just really hoping that this question that she just asked Matt didn't hurt him too much or make him think about it too much; and that's why Gabby truly believes that they need to talk about this, so that she can be the wife that Matt needs right now. He needs her to be the supportive wife he needs to have by his side, as they deal with his PTSD together, which is something that she promises to do already. She will always promise to take care of the man she loves more than anything, and that includes her talking to him about this right now; she just hopes that Matt starts to open up to her, as he's yet to do just that.

He's still being quiet, and she can't help but wonder whether she pushed too much; and whether that was the reason why he was still being quiet, rather than talking to her. But still, she did want to talk to her loving husband about this, because she wants to make sure that they talk about this. They need to talk about this, and Matt needs to open up to her; so, she decided to sit up and turn to face the man she loves. That way, she can make sure that he knows that this conversation that they're having isn't going away. Rather, it's just getting started, and they're going to be having this conversation whether he wants to have it or not; she just hopes that she doesn't have to force him to have the conversation, because that's not something that she wants to do. So, she decided to move her hand to his neck and then stroked his cheek. That was, until he got a text message. Taking a breath, Matt moved his hand to the back of her head and then kissed her forehead softly. "I may have texted my sister." Gabby agreed. "Go ahead, see what she said." Matt agreed.

Reaching over to grab his phone, Matt smiled. "I thought you turned it off though?" Matt bit his lip. "More like put it on emergency, family only mode. I know that we need to keep it on just in case." Gabby agreed with Matt, well aware that was the case. After which, he went to read the couple text messages that he just got. From all of the most important people (family wise) in their lives.

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