(Leaving for) an Anniversary Walk to Remember

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Hi Readers: And welcome to another day of chapters. I hope that you guys are enjoying the storyline that I am writing for you guys and are ready for a bunch more chapters that I plan on writing for you guys; in fact, I already have a bunch of chapters planned for you. But just how many chapters? Well, I have plans from this chapter, until Chapter Two Hundred and Sixteen all planned out. So, let's just say that I'm more than ready to give you a bunch of content over the next few days. But first, we need to start with this chapter; a chapter that involves our favorite couple getting some fresh air on their anniversary, hope you guys enjoy it and thanks for reading.

This was really what they needed, and not just Andy; yes, Andy needs to get outside at times so that he can go to the washroom. But he wasn't the only one that truly benefited from going outside. The truth was, everybody in the family benefits from going outside at times; and that was due to the health benefits that it provides them with fresh air, which is both good for the minds (as well as their health). And that was the exact reason that Matt and Gabby were going to go out, even though Gabby just put on some sexy lingerie that Matt was enjoying. But there was something else that Matt was enjoying at the moment, as he made his way into the bathroom once more shortly after getting dressed; and that was the sight of his beautiful wife wearing a tight dress on top of her lingerie, which perfectly hugged her body. And that was something that Matt most definitely enjoyed the sight of, almost as much as the lingerie that she was wearing; just as long as Gabby was comfortable wearing this, and not wearing this just for him (to please him).

And that was something that Matt planned on asking his beautiful wife prior to them leaving, because that was something that he still walked to make sure was happening, even though he loved the sight of Gabby wearing this dressed. "Wow." Looking up at her husband in the mirror, Gabby smiled as she knew that he liked the sight of her wearing his dress; she could just tell based on the way that he was looking at her, as it was in his eyes. The way that his eyes sparkled when he liked to look at something was her tell tale sign that Matt loved the sight in front of him, and she was glad that Matt was enjoying the sight that came with her wearing this dress. Especially because it means that he was going to be okay with her wearing this, even though he wants her to be comfortable. "So, you're okay with me wearing this?" Matt agreed with Gabby as she asked him whether he was okay with her wearing this dress, as he most certainly was okay with her wearing this dress. "Oh, I most certainly am more than okay with you wearing this dress."

Gabby smiled as she heard the man she loves say that, as that was exactly what she wanted to hear him say; simply because he truly does love her more than anything in the entire world, and always will. And there's just this way that Matt makes her feel that really makes her smile and will always make her smile. "As long as you're comfortable, of course." Gabby smiled as she heard Matt say that. "Oh, I definitely am comfortable; and the truth is, I have been dying to figure out a time for me to get this dress out so that I can try it out." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, before walking up behind her. "I didn't even know that you had any new prototypes." Gabby agreed with Matt as she said that, before watching as he put his hands on her sides; after which, he proceeded to grab the zipper on her dress so that he can do it up for her. "This one is brand new, fresh off the plane from New York City." Matt was a bit confused as he heard Gabby say that. "What are you talking about? This from New York Fashion Week?" Gabby shook her head.

"I recently made a deal with the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City, they're going to make prototypes; and they're also going to give us some professional training, so that the clothes can be made professionally." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, liking that idea; however, Gabby soon seemed to be a bit nervous. "I mean, if you're okay with that idea." Confused as to why Gabby asked him whether she'd be okay with that idea, Matt pushed on her hip as a way to tell her that he wants her to turn around, which is something that she promptly did, so that she was looking at the man she loves. After which, Matt stepped close to her and moved to put his hands on her stomach; at the same time, Gabby put her hands on his chest and just smiled as she looked up at the man she loves more than anything in the entire world. Moving his hand to Gabby's neck, Matt smirked as he leaned in and kissed her softly. "Why wouldn't I be okay with the idea?" Gabby took at breath. "Because I signed a contract without clearing it with you."

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