Quality Time at the Beach, Part 3

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Hi Readers: What did you guys think of today's first chapter? Did you guys like the new couple that I introduced to you guys? What do you think of them? Well, I hope that you guys like the couple; because they may become part of the story more often, as I want to have more people that I can use to continue the storyline. Plus, I have an ulterior motive for this couple; and that would be that this couple is another Hispanic couple, which Matt and Gabby can associate with. Also, their boys can play with each other; and that is going to be nice, which I hope that you guys will enjoy. Thanks again for reading and let me know what you think of the story.

While he did send his boss an e-mail after learning about the news of their (partial) miscarriage, Rafael Solano still felt like he should give his best wishes from both him and his wife in person; and now that they were at the beach with them, along with some of their friends...they had a chance to do just that, prior to him taking a swim with his little guy Matteo. The little guy who was currently in the midst of kicking him. "Hey, Matteo. No. No kicking." And Rafael saying that most definitely was something that worried the CEO, as well as his wife; as their son was also named Matteo, and they thought that they left him at home. But once they saw that the Matteo whose name was just said was not that of their son's, but it was that of one of their employees' children instead. More specifically, the son of Jane and Rafael Solano. "Oh, thank god it's you Rafael, for a second I thought I was hearing my brother-in-law's voice with our son Matteo." Looking at his boss as he said that, Rafael could clearly see that he was worried. "No, it was my Matteo here; the Matteo who's currently in the midst of kicking me, isn't that right Matteo?" Turning his head, Raf kissed his forehead.

Matt agreed with Raf as he said that, well aware that their sons kicking them in the water was the worse; not that they've really done it yet, as their boys haven't been able to come to the beach as of late. Between them wanting to be home to mourn, and the security problems that they've had this year; Matt and Gabby have mostly kept their kids at home, which is something that they are more than okay with doing, as it's for the health and safety of their children. And if that's what they need to do, then they're going to do it; and they're also going to say hi to Rafael. Walking over to his boss, Rafael smiled as he looked at Gabby. "Ms. Severide told us about your news in an e-mail that she sent to the employees of ELLA Apparel, and I am just heartbroken at the news; me and Jane both are." Gabby agreed with Rafael as he said that, before getting close to him; after which, she proceeded to hug him and smiled at the father. She then turned her head, smiling at the little boy who was being held in his father's arms. "Yeah, you like being in the water with your daddy; don't you buddy?" Rafael laughed as he heard Gabby say that, before holding Matteo close to his chest as he wanted to relax.

 "Yeah, you like being in the water with your daddy; don't you buddy?" Rafael laughed as he heard Gabby say that, before holding Matteo close to his chest as he wanted to relax

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Tapping his back, Rafael smiled as he dipped him into the water; at the same time, he rubbed his back before going ahead with making a joke with his bosses. "Just a remember, this is my Matteo; not your Matteo." Gabby laughed as she heard Rafael say that, before moving to get close to her husband; after which, she wrapped her arms around his back and cuddled up to him. At the same time, Matt wrapped his arm around Gabby's back; turning his head, Matt smiled as he bent down and kissed the top of Gabby's head. "Are you going to go to the beach, and then talk to Jane? Or are you going to stay here in the water with me and Rafael?" Getting close to Matt, Gabby smiled as she proceeded to wrap her arms around him and kissed him softly. "I want to stay here, maybe Rafael can get Jane to join us instead." Rafael laughed as he heard Gabby say that, before turning his head and looking at Jane. "Hey, Jane!" Turning her head to look at her husband, Jane smiled. "Everything okay with Matteo?" Rafael agreed with his wife as she asked him whether Matteo was okay, because he knew that she was worried right now base don the tone of her voice; but she had no reason to worry.

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