First Day Home: Struggling, Part 1

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Hi Readers: What do you say we get back to some of our other new couples (whom we need to cover too), starting with the Halsteads? I hope that you guys like the story is headed and are still excited for more chapters each and every day. But unfortunately, this is going to be the last chapter for today; hope you enjoy it and are ready for a bit of Halstead time to end your day.

Home of Jay & Alex Halstead, Farmers Rd
She was still struggling to do the exact same thing that she was struggling to do prior to him having left to go get them a snack, struggling to get comfortable in their bed; and Jay thinks he knows why, because he's not in bed with her. However, he wasn't going to say anything; and that's due to the fact that she didn't even know (yet) that he's currently in the midst of looking at her. But god, does his wife look absolutely adorable as she struggles to get comfortable; yet he also knew something else that was fact, that if he kept staring at her...he was going to be in trouble, especially since Max was basically begging to get off his leach (that was another reason why he actually had to get up). Not only did he have to get Alex (and by extension, himself) a snack, but he also had to take Max out to the bathroom; and that's exactly what he just came back from doing. And now, it's time for him to walk in and come help Alex; but first, he's going to bend down and take off Max's leach. Doing just that, Jay smirked as he slapped his butt and then looked at him.

"Bed. Go to your bed boy." Looking up at Jay after hearing his voice, Alex smiled as she was happy that he was there; because that meant that he could help her. "I see that you're still struggling to get comfortable and have been for a bit." Alex looked at Jay as he said that when she realized something. "How long have you been standing there?" Bringing his wrist up, Jay smiled. "Maybe five minutes." Alex then gave him some side eye, the wife not really happy that he took so damn long to get in here; especially when he clearly saw that she was struggling to get comfortable, which he could've easily helped her with (rather than just standing there). "God, if you weren't the most comfortable pillow in the entire world...then I would be so mad at you right now." Jay snickered as he heard Alex say that, well aware of the fact that she most definitely does like to cuddle up to him; and that she can't really be mad at him, not when he just brought her some of her favorite snack. "Not that you can really be mad at me when I brought you some of your favorite."

Alex looked at Jay as he said that, wondering just what he was talking about right now. "And what might those favorites be?" Jay smirked as he heard Alex say that, deciding to play with her. "I thought you said that you were mad at me, and didn't want me to be close to you after having just made you struggle?" Alex groaned as she heard Jay say that, as he was starting to put words in her mouth; another one of the things that she hates, before thinking about something. More specifically, how it's December...and their anniversary is at the end of the month, which was the day that she was thinking of ending his sex drought. "You know, I was thinking of ending your sex drought on our anniversary; but I could very easily change that to Valentine's Day, if you want to play that game." Jay got worried as Alex said that, but that didn't mean that he was happy; especially not when she's threatening his sex. Making his way over to their bed carrying their snacks, Jay shook his head as he went ahead and set his bowl (and water bottle) down.

After which, he got up and proceeded to start making his way to Alex's side of the bed; where he most certainly was going to get a bit of revenge, by teasing his beautiful wife. And just how might he do that? Well, that would be by leaning her wanting more. Walking right up to her, Jay smiled as he made his way over to her side table; after which, he set her bowl of granola down and looked at his beautiful wife. "So, you think that you can just tease me like that...and get away with it?" Alex agreed with Jay as he asked her whether she thought that she could get away with teasing him, because she most definitely does believe that she can get away with teasing him like that. "Oh, I most definitely can." Jay then smirked as he sat down on the bed right next to her, moving his hand to her stomach, which was currently covered by one of his dress shirts, which she had (partially undone). And let's just say that Jay really liked that sight, as it was exactly what he wanted his wife to wear; especially when she's just wearing some sexy underwear too.

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